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What’s a brand anyway? The basics of brand positioning
Dunkin’ Donuts is planning to change its name to Dunkin’. The move is the latest example of corporate repositioning to make news that mainstream media will report. It's a brand positioning case study.
View Web PageCookieless Advertising: What's Next?
As we move away from cookie-based advertising and into a new, cookieless world, the question we hear most often is, “How can I effectively track and target our online audience now?”
For over two decades, cookies have been THE preferred way to record user activity.
2020: Programmatic Advertising Comes of Age
The problem with mass marketing has finally been solved. The answer is programmatic advertising. Imagine two neighbors. Both watching ESPN. One sees your ad. The other doesn’t. The first is your target audience. The other isn’t. The promise of programmatic advertising has finally reached marketing nirvana.
View Web PageIt's Time to Trust the Cloud
For years, you’ve heard the term “the cloud. ” Some people trust it. But many don’t. Small- and mid-size business owners are often skeptical of the cloud. Those who leverage the cloud understand its power and advantages — many to the point of having a cloud marketing strategy.
View Web PageThe Magnificent Seven: Best marketing books ever
If you want to get better and better at running your business, you would do well to read a few of the best marketing books of all time. Hewlett-Packard co-founder David Packard famously said, “Marketing is far too important to leave to the marketing department.
View Web PageKnow where to aim with focused marketing strategies
No matter how great the tactics, you can’t win without the right strategy. How can you know where to aim if you don't start with focused marketing strategies?
Time and time again, we find that great execution can’t overcome bad strategy.
Find your brand positioning: Play your Cs to win in marketplace
Do you ever feel like you’re throwing a wad of spaghetti against the wall and hoping some will stick?
That is no way to win in the marketplace. The business with the right strategy and the commitment to carry it out inevitably will win.
DEVO Whips Itself Into Shape With Positioning Marketing
Can music benefit from positioning marketing? Though an art form, it is also a product, so in that context the answer is a definite yes.
View Web PageDetermining the Best Social Media Positioning Strategies
Innis Maggiore attended three weeks of Facebook Bootcamp this past fall in search of the best social media positioning tips. Most of our associates attended the six-webinar series.
View Web PageFifty Years of Positioning: the 1970s
Some things have changed since Dick Maggiore and his stepdad, the late Chuck Innis, founded Innis Maggiore in 1974 at the kitchen table of their home in Canton. But some things haven’t changed one bit.
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