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An authentic positioning lesson from the soda formerly known as Coke
Labels are for cans, not people. It's a nice sentiment any way you cut it, and Coke would have us believe it thinks so, too, by dropping its name from the can.
View Web PageFifty Years of Positioning: the 2010s
Hipster glasses, fidget spinners, statement necklaces, and a resurgence of boat shoes were all very big in the 2010s. These trends may never return. From 2010 to 2019, however, Innis Maggiore continued to build on its reputation for positioning.
View Web PageCompany Focus: Know your ‘why’ to focus on ‘where’ and ‘how’
In last week’s column, we discussed the importance of finding your “why” — the reason your company does what it does beyond making money. It’s wrapped around a higher purpose. The why is considered immutable. The answer, we learned, comes from the customer’s perspective.
View Web PageCompetitive Business Strategy: Find your playground
Does your business have a clear and well-articulated statement of strategy?
If not, you are at a disadvantage. You might have heard it said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.
Size Doesn't Matter! Marketing Focus Does.
Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of business. To those of you in leadership positions: The foundation of effective leadership is thinking through the organization's difference, defining it and establishing it, clearly and visibly. You have to have a well differentiated brand to survive today.
View Web PageThe Death of Cookie Tracking Makes Way for Innovation
Advertisers have long been known for how well they accept change, pivot to new possibilities and adopt the newest technologies. There is not only an understanding of what’s out there now but also what’s on the horizon. The death of third-party cookie tracking is no exception.
View Web PageDid Jaguar Commit Brand Suicide?
I’ve been asked about a couple dozen times now, “What did you think of that Jaguar ad?” My response is always, “Well, it’s interesting…” and I stop there because most people have already formed their opinions, and it’s typically, “It’s awful.
View Web Page'Content marketing' lifts brands, engages customers
Bed Bath & Beyond, IBM, Goldman Sachs, Taco Bell, GoPro and Twitter all have at least two things in common. Each understands the need to win online, and each has an award-winning content marketing strategy.
View Web PageCompany Mission: Why does your company do what it does?
Why do we pay $1,000 for an iPhone X? Why do we pay $5 for a cup of coffee?
Many companies struggle to find their “why,” also known as their company mission.
Effective email marketing requires planning
Effective email marketing campaigns planned and delivered to a targeted audience at the right time can provide the highest return on investment of any digital marketing channel — by twice, if not more. It’s no wonder.
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