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Quality Isn't Good Enough to Differentiate Your Brand

If you are tempted to say "quality" helps differentiate your brand, think again. Do you know how many times I've heard people say "quality" is one of the distinguishing features of their company's product or service? Fact is, I really can't give you a number tallying the total.

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Advertise During a Recession?

Fast-food giant McDonald's made a critical choice during the early 1990s recession that ultimately resulted in a loss of market share: McDonald’s chose to not advertise during a recession. Spending by consumers was declining, and the fast-food sector was hit particularly hard.

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Is Mobile the Future of Position Marketing?

The merits of mobile strategies to enhance a brand's position marketing have come more into focus these days. In the United States, smartphone ownership is rising dramatically, driven mainly by ever-dropping prices and the promise of new 4G networks. By mid-2011, 49 percent of U. S.

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First-Party Data: The Most Valuable Asset in Your Business

You’ve likely heard the term “big data. ” Loosely, the term refers to the crunching of all the data in the world to put it to good use.

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Brands should heed this warning: Be careful with culture in advertising

Don’t be like Bud Light — unless you have a billion to spare!

What would you do if you woke up to find out that you’ve lost over a billion dollars? You probably would never go back to sleep.

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Canton Importing Co.'s Steady, Reliable Approach Brings Success

Specialty store's focus on people and products — not just dollars — has made it a mainstay in Stark County for nearly 60 years. When a good thing gets rolling, it's tough to stop. Since 1961, Canton Importing Co.

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Google Reverses Its Decision — Third-Party Cookies are Back!

Google announced its initial intentions to eliminate third-party cookies in 2020. While the decision was based on protecting the data privacy rights of users, companies and marketers were left racing to replace them.

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CSE Federal Credit Union Puts the "Local" in Banking

Stark County credit union employs nearly 130 people at four locations, issued $110 million in local loans in 2018 and is evolving with ever-changing member needs. Inside its branches, in promotional materials, on social media channels and throughout our community, CSE Federal Credit Union pushes the message, “Bank Local.

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Repositioned for Stardom

This year, give the gift of branding. "Look, Santa baby! You're never gonna make it without a new image," was how his weary Tinseltown agent put it. Yes, Virginia, even that jolly old elf benefited from a branding makeover based on the time-tested principles of positioning.

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Palmer Vacations Listens Closely to Deliver Trips Worth Talking About

Canton’s original travel company is still making dreams come true after 114 years; exceptional staff and service keep customers coming back for more. There's much more to being a successful travel planner than simply booking a few flights, hotel rooms and tours. Travel planning is a very customer-centric business.

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