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Mobile App Versus Mobile Website?

It's finally arrived! The impact of mobile -- proclaimed since Y2K -- is now actually influencing marketing decisions.

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Breaking Positioning Principles -- Marketing Google+

Raise your hand if you think Google+ is Google's first attempt at a social network. OK, put all those hands down. Ever hear of Google Wave or Google Buzz? Not many have, so don't fret if you raised your hand.

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Choosing an Effective Positioning Slogan

Wisconsin-based privately held Johnsonville Sausage is a positioning winner. What does Johnsonville stand for? Sausage. What kind of sausage? All kinds. Breakfast, turkey, chicken, pork, beef, apple, garlic, brats, Italian, cheddar, maple, smoked, snack, and everything in between.

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Search: Still the Most Strategic Internet Marketing Tool

It's 2012 so surely we've moved past the humdrum of basic search. Search engine optimization (SEO) and pay per click (PPC) are yesterday's news when it comes to strategic Internet marketing, right?

If you judge by what everyone's discussing, then you'd be right.

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Determining the Best Social Media Positioning Strategies

Innis Maggiore attended three weeks of Facebook Bootcamp this past fall in search of the best social media positioning tips. Most of our associates attended the six-webinar series.

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2013 Super Bowl Ads: A Contrarian "PositionistView"

Despite Super Bowl XLVII's historic 35-minute third-quarter blackout, the Big Show of Super Bowl advertising, what actor Bob Odenkirk's character in the Samsung Galaxy ad calls "El Plato Supremo!" went off with nary a hitch. "El Plato Supremo!" is Right.

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Social Media Communication: Social Is Anything But

It is said social media has changed communication. It hasn't. Communication is the same as it always has been. Message. Sender. Receiver. Social media's problem is the receiver. Most times there isn't one.

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It's the Brands, Stupid.

It appears Sears shoppers can be members. Eddie Lampert, Sears Holdings' chairman and CEO, told us so in a letter attached to the company's recent results. The letter says his membership program is "continuing to gain traction with our members as members engage in all aspects of our program.

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Propel on Right Track Back to Being Cool for Those Who Like To Sweat

On a very hot day last summer while tracking Tiger Woods at Firestone Country Club, I thought for a moment about buying a bottle of water. Shade was sparse and I grew sweaty and thirsty as I tried to keep pace with the tournament gallery on Firestone's rolling grounds.

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Open, Sesame! Bert and Ernie Put Veggies On Kids' Wish List

It's easy to slide into cynicism, as the world tends to be a pretty heavy place sometimes. Today we fret more than ever that we are hurtling toward a gloom-and-doom destiny, so we fear.

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