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Think bothism to liberate your marketing
Many pundits in the world of marketing and advertising are obsessed with stuff dying. “Radio is dead in 10 years. This study proves it. ”
“TV is dying. ”
“Twitter learns to thrive or die. ”
“The end of advertising as we know it. ”
“Branding is dead.
Niche Up for Success
With a GDP of nearly $20 trillion and a citizenry accounting for more than a quarter of the global household consumption, the United States is inarguably the most hyper-consumer economy in the history of the world. Hyper-consumerism begets hyper-competition. Hyper-competition is the No. 1 problem facing marketers today.
View Web PageFirst-Party Data: The Most Valuable Asset in Your Business
You’ve likely heard the term “big data. ” Loosely, the term refers to the crunching of all the data in the world to put it to good use.
View Web PageDifferentiation: The Secret Sauce of the Top-Trending Brands
Each year, publications like Vogue, CEO World, and other popular print and online outlets publish their top-trending brands to monitor in the coming year. We decided to take a deep dive on one of the top brand lists to see why the companies and products made the list.
View Web PageCookieless Advertising: What's Next?
As we move away from cookie-based advertising and into a new, cookieless world, the question we hear most often is, “How can I effectively track and target our online audience now?”
For over two decades, cookies have been THE preferred way to record user activity.
Differentiate or Die by AI
One of Jack Trout’s most popular works – Differentiate or Die – was published in 2000, just after the Y2K “scare. ” The technology bubble was about to burst, and changes to our way of living and thinking due to the 9/11 disaster were just around the corner.
View Web PageHow to Critique Super Bowl Commercials
Every year, friends and family ask me if I watch Super Bowl commercials differently because I’m in the ad business.
View Web Page55 Years Later: Revisiting Jack Trout’s Original Article on Positioning
If you haven’t read Jack Trout’s original article on positioning, you can read it here. Published in Industrial Marketing in June of 1969, this single article was the foundation upon which Trout and Ries built their principles of positioning.
View Web PageIt’s a dog-eat-dog world: the rise of challenger brand advertising
There have always been brands like McDonalds, Nike, and Amazon, that dominate the headspace of consumers. Despite massive control of their respective markets, this shield isn’t entirely impenetrable. Challenger brand advertising has historically found gaps in their armor by bringing attention to consumer desires left unsatisfied.
View Web PageDon’t Dare Call It “McDonut”!
How sweet is the McDonald’s/Krispy Kreme cross-promotion strategy?
Lots of people like McDonald’s. Lots of people like Krispy Kreme.