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Holding the Market Leader Position Swings on the Hinge of "IF"

Of all the ways to differentiate a brand, none is better than leadership. Leadership is its own credential. People naturally believe if you hold the market leader position, your product or service is better. The benefit of becoming a category leader goes well beyond bragging rights.

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Crunch numbers to calculate advertising investment

An investment in advertising is key to driving sales and growing the organization, but despite its importance, an advertising budget is a difficult decision for many companies. Jef Richards, professor and chair of the Department of Advertising at Michigan State University makes a compelling argument: “Advertising is totally unnecessary.

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Repositioning: Push Brand Relevance to Rev Up Your Position

Building a strong brand is not easy. Few do it. It takes the right strategy for differentiation plus factors of focus and commitment as measured by time and money. Sometimes, repositioning is needed. Conventional positioning wisdom contends that getting to the top is harder than staying on top.

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Differentiated Content: The Key to Content Marketing

The likely key to content marketing has been discovered; It's probably not what you think.  

Remarkably, 95 percent of CEOs whose companies use content marketing as a marketing tactic report they believe it has had no effect on their businesses.

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Open, Sesame! Bert and Ernie Put Veggies On Kids' Wish List

It's easy to slide into cynicism, as the world tends to be a pretty heavy place sometimes. Today we fret more than ever that we are hurtling toward a gloom-and-doom destiny, so we fear.

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Positioning for Success: The Value of Designing a New Category

Want to dominate a business category? There’s only one sure way to do it: create a NEW category. As we learned from Jack Trout’s, Marketing Warfare, “if you’re not #1 or #2, be something new!” As positionists, we’re always encouraging our clients to stand apart.

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Fifty Years of Positioning: the 2010s

Hipster glasses, fidget spinners, statement necklaces, and a resurgence of boat shoes were all very big in the 2010s. These trends may never return. From 2010 to 2019, however, Innis Maggiore continued to build on its reputation for positioning.

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Positioning delivers when marketing a professional business firm

Legion are the tales of marketing battles waged by brands that consumers see on retail shelves. But a huge number of businesses go to market every day with no tangible product — yet they are locked in marketing combat.

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Digital vs. Traditional Marketing: Strategize first, then advertise

With so many media options, it’s difficult to know where to spend ad dollars with a comprehensive plan. Digital vs. traditional marketing decisions face us daily.

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Personal Branding Builds the Value of ‘You, Inc.’: How to brand yourself

LeBron James, Donald Trump and many other celebrities know that each of us must be known for something. We need to market ourselves to further our careers. Determining how to brand yourself is more important than ever.

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