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A CEO’s Guide to PR Crisis Management

Maybe it’s something in the air … or maybe even in the onions, but it’s clear that something’s rotten in the state of PR crisis management strategies.

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Watch Out for That New Media Advertising Magic Pixie Dust!

"We need to do social media!" exclaimed the CEO. "My kids are telling me it's the thing to do!" He continued, "If we could just get a few tweets out there, we could solve all of our problems. " Everyone's looking to new media advertising to change everything.

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Right Products, Services & People Help Ziegler Tire Gain Traction

Stark County family business is one of the largest independent tire dealers in the nation; has sold Firestone tires longer than any other dealer. It will come as no surprise to many Stark County residents that Ziegler Tire, headquartered at 4150 Millennium Blvd.

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Great company slogans are difficult to create, but worth extra effort

Other than creating the brand’s name, the development of tagline might be marketer’s most important task. Great company slogans roll off our tongues like sweet candy, and many are so popular that people use them in their everyday conversations. Great company slogans, though, are much more than clever words.

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'Content marketing' lifts brands, engages customers

Bed Bath & Beyond, IBM, Goldman Sachs, Taco Bell, GoPro and Twitter all have at least two things in common. Each understands the need to win online, and each has an award-winning content marketing strategy.

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Want to win in business? Google it.

Your business and your competitors have been Googlized. Google is the new Yellow Pages for everything. If we want to know how many times man landed on the moon, we Google it.

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Foundation for business success boils down to 4 basic principles of marketing questions

With more than 40 years invested in developing advertising campaigns in all sizes and dimensions, we have learned that regardless of the company or product, the foundation for the work boils down to four basic principles of marketing questions.

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The Pendulum Of Brand Change

Vision without execution is hallucination. Your strategy determined and decisions made, it's time to execute. Turning the vision into reality, Business Strategy and marketing is where things can fall apart. Americans elected Barack Obama, then eight years later elected Donald Trump.

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Great ads build on strong Super Bowl marketing strategy

If success were easy, history would not be filled with numerous flops from advertisers. Not always are ads built on strong Super Bowl marketing strategy.

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Seven ways to win in a commodity market

Many of the more than 5 million businesses in the United States compete as commodities hamstrung by not understanding how to grow and thrive. On the monopoly-to-commodity continuum, the closer one is to the commodity side, the more price becomes a key factor.

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