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Good Things Happen with Right Positioning Strategy
Great creative may touch a nerve, bring a tear or generate laughter, but it is doomed to fail as effective advertising if it is not built on a solid positioning strategy. Throughout the history of advertising, creative minds have toiled to make products popular and services desirable.
View Web PageFrom Canton to Grand Rapids, Mary Ann Donuts Gets a Lot of Love
Favorite local donut shop continues to build on its successes; Will soon service four states with its "made fresh daily" donuts. While there are definitely holes in some of Mary Ann Donuts’ products, there appear to be none in the Welden family’s business model.
View Web Page‘Positioning map’ can reveal your competitive advantage
Today, more than ever, businesses need the right strategies to compete and win in the hyper-competitive marketplace. No market or industry is exempt from the need to focus on and adjust the way they’re doing business.
View Web PageStudio Arts & Glass Spreads Stark County Color Throughout the World
Stark County studio’s leaded stained glass artwork is on display in all 50 states and can be seen as far away as Asia, the Bahamas, Canada and Europe. Every single element of Studio Arts & Glass is strikingly colorful.
View Web PagePR and Digital Marketing: PR’s storytelling heritage helps boost brands’ online traction
A few short years ago, not many would have connected public relations folks with the digital revolution. But a funny thing happened along the way. PR and digital marketing got hitched. In the late 1990s, the so-called digital revolution gained a toehold as web development boomed.
View Web PageMore than Dentistry, 'Dr. Mike' Keeps Stark County Smiling
Stark County's "Hardest Working Man in Dentistry" goes above and beyond to treat staff right and make a real difference in the community. A quote on display inside the office of Mike Thomas, DDS says it all. "Even the smallest act of kindness can be contagious. Spread kindness today.
View Web PageBrands should heed this warning: Be careful with culture in advertising
Don’t be like Bud Light — unless you have a billion to spare!
What would you do if you woke up to find out that you’ve lost over a billion dollars? You probably would never go back to sleep.
Royal Docks' Growth Comes from Staying True to Itself
Clean, consistent, quality beers pan out; Stark County brewery’s straightforward approach fuels growth … and national recognition. People throughout Stark County love to drink handcrafted beers brewed by Royal Docks Brewing Co. It turns out that people all over the state of Ohio — and beyond — do, too.
View Web PageGenerational Marketing: How can brands reach Gen Z?
Brands have always been focused on tailoring their approaches to various demographics, among them being generations. From messaging to tactics, brands must crack the generational marketing code for every demographic to achieve the best results.
View Web PageWaggoner Chocolates Provides the World a Taste of Stark County
Local company sells the majority of its distinguished chocolates outside the area; Quality, creativity and consistency keep customers coming back for more. With Easter right around the corner, things are really hopping at Waggoner Chocolates, 1281 S. Main St. in North Canton.
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