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Understanding your customer is key to differentiation

Only when we know what is motivating our prime prospect are we able to find our differentiating idea, our position. Business today is conducted in intensely competitive, technology-driven global marketplaces. Whether you are an international conglomerate or a local mom-and-pop shop, there is no sign of the intensity decreasing.

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Brand consistency pivotal in building success

Staying the course requires courage, discipline. To become really good at whatever we do requires doing the right thing, then doing it consistently. This applies to just about everything.

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Know Thy Category: A key in marketing communication strategy

It starts with the category. That’s the way our brains work. We think category first, then brand. A very contagious disease is spreading rapidly across the globe: infobesity. It’s an epidemic we’ve discussed previously. If information were calories, we’d all be obese. Infobesity has affected the human attention span.

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Artificial intelligence and marketing, the next big thing

Few would argue the impact of the wheel, the printing press, steam and gasoline engines, the telephone, electricity and the light bulb, nuclear power, the airplane, penicillin, the computer and the internet. Major inventions have shaped human development and powered society, culture and civilization.

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Brand Reinvention: Reinvent or die

What do you do when even a good coat of polish doesn’t make your shoes shine anymore?

It might be time to buy a new pair of shoes. Whether we are talking shoes or business, how we handle disruptive threats makes all the difference in the world.

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Effective Advertising: Big question is whether to entertain or inform

Every ad person wrestles with the conundrum whether effective advertising should focus more on entertaining or more on informing.

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Test, learn, tweak to formulate business strategy

Learning to write and solve equations is the foundation of formal education for many of us. There are thousands of equations and formulas that guide work in many industries, from making special alloy steel to building spacecraft that can travel to the end of our solar system and beyond.

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Southwest Airlines: Aligning business strategy to brand positioning

Anyone who has been lost at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport knows the secret to effective marketing. First, determine where you are. Next, figure out where you want to be. And, finally, craft a plan to get there. That’s the equation for finding and executing effective business strategy.

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Big Data and Business: 2018 is the year of the algorithm

Making predictions is risky business, but putting our heads in the sand might be even riskier. As we begin another year, it is customary to look ahead and make decisions about where things are going. To that end, it would pay to heed the advice of J.

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Super Bowl Advertising: Will advertisers ‘show me the new’ in Super Bowl LII?

In Super Bowl advertising, it might be the year of the familiar — familiar advertisers, familiar celebrities, familiar teasers, familiar promotional stunts and humor. Familiar is not all bad.

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