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What is Positioning in Marketing? Why it's the CEO's Number One Role.
For so many years, CEOs have focused on doing things better. For a long time, this approach worked. However, a problem has surfaced over recent years as we realize that this approach is simply not working anymore.
View Web PageMerging Data and Creative: Path to head goes through heart
Like scientists, many business folks have a deep-rooted belief that if they have all the information — all the data — they’ll be able to come up with the precise solution. We want to believe things don’t happen by chance.
View Web Page55 Years Later: Revisiting Jack Trout’s Original Article on Positioning
If you haven’t read Jack Trout’s original article on positioning, you can read it here. Published in Industrial Marketing in June of 1969, this single article was the foundation upon which Trout and Ries built their principles of positioning.
View Web PageSeven ways to win in a commodity market
Many of the more than 5 million businesses in the United States compete as commodities hamstrung by not understanding how to grow and thrive. On the monopoly-to-commodity continuum, the closer one is to the commodity side, the more price becomes a key factor.
View Web PageDEVO Whips Itself Into Shape With Positioning Marketing
Can music benefit from positioning marketing? Though an art form, it is also a product, so in that context the answer is a definite yes.
View Web PagePositioning Storytelling.
Is the advertising industry losing its way? The recent Wall Street Journal article about the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity seems to point that the answer to that question is yes. Positioning storytelling is weak.
View Web PageTrout's Seven 'Abouts' Shape Marketing Strategy
Marketing strategy is first about finding your difference, then finding the best way to get your differentiating idea into the minds of your prospects and customers. The explosion of choice for the consumer is the direct result of the explosion of competition.
View Web PagePodcast promotion isn’t just entertainment, it’s marketing.
If you’re attentive to advertising’s current landscape, you may have already paired digital marketing media like social and paid search with traditional media like radio, print, and television. Yet if you think you’ve exhausted available marketing tactics, you’re only just beginning.
View Web PageHow are positionists leveraging AI in marketing?
AI is no longer a buzzword. It’s reality. Though the technology has existed for decades, it’s finally reached its peak momentum in terms of our awareness.
View Web PageDetermining the Best Social Media Positioning Strategies
Innis Maggiore attended three weeks of Facebook Bootcamp this past fall in search of the best social media positioning tips. Most of our associates attended the six-webinar series.
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