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Brands should heed this warning: Be careful with culture in advertising
Don’t be like Bud Light — unless you have a billion to spare!
What would you do if you woke up to find out that you’ve lost over a billion dollars? You probably would never go back to sleep.
Google Punishes (And Rewards?) AI-Generated Content
Over the past year, the presence of AI-generated content has exploded across platforms like Google, including everything from generative fill to social media posts to blog articles. With numerous programs available to users, plenty have benefited from meeting today’s content marketing volumes.
View Web PagePlease Pass the ... All-Purpose Sauce?
Quick! What's A. 1. ? (You answered, "Steak sauce. ")
Quick! Name a steak sauce. (You said, "A. 1. ")
Positioning marketing theory calls this "equivalence. " Steak sauce is A. 1. ; and A. 1. is steak sauce.
2012 Super Bowl Ads
Winning Ads of Super Bowl XLVI
Before getting to the winners and losers among the 2012 Super Bowl ads, allow me to digress. Borrowing from ancient practical wisdom, two is better than one, three is better than two. Consider a cable. A cable is a stranded cord.
Checklist for Choosing a Marketing Agency
When it comes to driving business growth, turning your attention to marketing stands out as one of the most important strategies to company success.
View Web PageSeven ways to win in a commodity market
Many of the more than 5 million businesses in the United States compete as commodities hamstrung by not understanding how to grow and thrive. On the monopoly-to-commodity continuum, the closer one is to the commodity side, the more price becomes a key factor.
View Web PageProtect your brand with pricing strategies during inflation.
As we approach the general election this November, one of the key issues that candidates are scrambling to find answers for is inflation. With the cost of consumer goods going up (according to the U. S.
View Web PageBud Light Violates Core Positioning Principles
Set the politics aside. Forget your values for just a moment. Bud Light’s marketing fiasco reminds us that violating positioning principles can cost you a lot more than advertising dollars.
View Web PageListening to customers improves understanding
Jack Welch, longtime CEO of General Electric, was known for his wise counsel on all manner of business matters. One of his famous quotes really hits home for companies as they come to terms with the importance of their relationships with customers.
View Web PageThe Good Bad & Ugly of Bed Bath & Beyond – Positioning in Business
The other evening, my wife and I were discussing the recent bad news about Bed Bath & Beyond. Bemoaning the fact that this time it probably is the end (bankruptcy usually is), she ran to the store to get the last of a few products she typically buys there.
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