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The Tale of Two Conglomerates

In talks I deliver on the topic of positioning, I often make an offer that elicits a great response from the audience.

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Big Data and Business: 2018 is the year of the algorithm

Making predictions is risky business, but putting our heads in the sand might be even riskier. As we begin another year, it is customary to look ahead and make decisions about where things are going. To that end, it would pay to heed the advice of J.

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Social Media Communication: Social Is Anything But

It is said social media has changed communication. It hasn't. Communication is the same as it always has been. Message. Sender. Receiver. Social media's problem is the receiver. Most times there isn't one.

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Size Doesn't Matter! Marketing Focus Does.

Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of business. To those of you in leadership positions: The foundation of effective leadership is thinking through the organization's difference, defining it and establishing it, clearly and visibly. You have to have a well differentiated brand to survive today.

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Branding & Social Responsibility: Ability to respond an important responsibility

Terrell Owens, the former NFL All-Pro receiver, unprecedentedly is passing on attending his Pro Football Hall of Fame induction ceremony in Canton. It's a case study in branding and social responsibility.

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Company Focus: Know your ‘why’ to focus on ‘where’ and ‘how’

In last week’s column, we discussed the importance of finding your “why” — the reason your company does what it does beyond making money. It’s wrapped around a higher purpose. The why is considered immutable. The answer, we learned, comes from the customer’s perspective.

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Viral Video Marketing: How Being Different, Relevant, & Good Can Get You Far

By now, you and nearly the entire world has had the opportunity to see and hear about the viral video for Susan Boyle, the dowdy-looking Scottish woman who appeared as a contestant on Britain's Got Talent, and shocked everyone with her incredible voice.

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FedEx's Strategic Positioning Concept Absolutely, Positively Disrupted

FedEx founder Fred Smith wrote an economics paper while at Yale. The paper was about his idea to make an overnight delivery service more efficient by using the "hub and spokes" concept. His professor told him that it would never work and gave poor Fred a C.

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Boost sales with branded packaging design that aligns with your position.

If you’re a consumer product manufacturer, you’ve undoubtedly marketed your product through a variety of advertising, media, and PR tactics.

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Brand Purpose: Beyond features and benefits, companies win with their whys

Not too long ago, the popular advertising strategy was to promote product features like low calories, shavers with pivot heads and toothpaste that removes stains. Then we shifted to something with more personal relevance: product benefits.

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