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Nimbleness, Quality Fuel Growth at Premier Building Solutions
Stark County manufacturer has expanded three times since forming in 2008; Company setting itself up for continued growth in 2019 — and beyond. Some companies struggle to find buyers interested in their products and services. Massillon’s Premier Building Solutions never had that problem.
View Web PageWaggoner Chocolates Provides the World a Taste of Stark County
Local company sells the majority of its distinguished chocolates outside the area; Quality, creativity and consistency keep customers coming back for more. With Easter right around the corner, things are really hopping at Waggoner Chocolates, 1281 S. Main St. in North Canton.
View Web PageGenerational Marketing: How can brands reach Gen Z?
Brands have always been focused on tailoring their approaches to various demographics, among them being generations. From messaging to tactics, brands must crack the generational marketing code for every demographic to achieve the best results.
View Web PageWatch Out for That New Media Advertising Magic Pixie Dust!
"We need to do social media!" exclaimed the CEO. "My kids are telling me it's the thing to do!" He continued, "If we could just get a few tweets out there, we could solve all of our problems. " Everyone's looking to new media advertising to change everything.
View Web Page2020: Programmatic Advertising Comes of Age
The problem with mass marketing has finally been solved. The answer is programmatic advertising. Imagine two neighbors. Both watching ESPN. One sees your ad. The other doesn’t. The first is your target audience. The other isn’t. The promise of programmatic advertising has finally reached marketing nirvana.
View Web PageRepositioning: Push Brand Relevance to Rev Up Your Position
Building a strong brand is not easy. Few do it. It takes the right strategy for differentiation plus factors of focus and commitment as measured by time and money. Sometimes, repositioning is needed. Conventional positioning wisdom contends that getting to the top is harder than staying on top.
View Web PageAirport Positioning: CAK on the Attack
Each edition of this publication, PositionistView®, highlights a noteworthy accomplishment or (more often) a stunning positioning "swing-and-a-miss" of a big brand. We choose big brands because they're easily recognizable and relatable. This edition focuses on airport branding and more.
View Web PageSize Doesn't Matter! Marketing Focus Does.
Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of business. To those of you in leadership positions: The foundation of effective leadership is thinking through the organization's difference, defining it and establishing it, clearly and visibly. You have to have a well differentiated brand to survive today.
View Web PagePositionist Picks: 2010 Super Bowl Ads
Most Super Bowl Ads Fumble Great Positioning Opportunities
Positioning is how you differentiate a brand. Differentiation provides the reason why someone should buy from you and not another.
Change Communication: Repositioning
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"Repositioning" in a Time of Competition, Crisis, and Change Communication
On April 29, nearly five hundred business and marketing executives gathered at the John S.