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Holding the Market Leader Position Swings on the Hinge of "IF"
Of all the ways to differentiate a brand, none is better than leadership. Leadership is its own credential. People naturally believe if you hold the market leader position, your product or service is better. The benefit of becoming a category leader goes well beyond bragging rights.
View Web PageSupport Local Retail: It’s a jungle out there
As Amazon and other online operators change retail’s landscape, who will survive? If we don't support local retail, it may disappear. Not so many years ago, if you heard someone explaining the Amazon effect, you could assume it was about trashing the rain forest.
View Web Page2012 Super Bowl Ads
Winning Ads of Super Bowl XLVI
Before getting to the winners and losers among the 2012 Super Bowl ads, allow me to digress. Borrowing from ancient practical wisdom, two is better than one, three is better than two. Consider a cable. A cable is a stranded cord.
Know where to aim with focused marketing strategies
No matter how great the tactics, you can’t win without the right strategy. How can you know where to aim if you don't start with focused marketing strategies?
Time and time again, we find that great execution can’t overcome bad strategy.
Determining the Best Social Media Positioning Strategies
Innis Maggiore attended three weeks of Facebook Bootcamp this past fall in search of the best social media positioning tips. Most of our associates attended the six-webinar series.
View Web PageWANTED: New Home for Puppies
Budweiser Positioning puts sales over sentiment for this year's Super Bowl® advertising
Budweiser didn't exactly throw the puppies under the bus, but those pooches are definitely no longer on the payroll in its Super Bowl positioning advertising.
The Tale of Two Conglomerates
In talks I deliver on the topic of positioning, I often make an offer that elicits a great response from the audience.
View Web PageSolving a Whale of a Problem: Is it Time for a SeaWorld Positioning Change?
For generations, families have trekked to SeaWorld to see "Shamu, the killer whale. " More than the main attraction, Shamu is the face of the theme park.
View Web PageRepositioned for Stardom
This year, give the gift of branding. "Look, Santa baby! You're never gonna make it without a new image," was how his weary Tinseltown agent put it. Yes, Virginia, even that jolly old elf benefited from a branding makeover based on the time-tested principles of positioning.
View Web PageBig Brand News! Pepsi No Longer #2; Dr. Pepper Rises
If you’re familiar with the term “Cola Wars,” you’re young enough to know that it has always been and was always supposed to be: Coke v. Pepsi. The Taste Test. New Coke. Mean Joe Greene. Michael Jackson. The Polar Bears. Tina Turner. The Super Bowl Half-Time Show.
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