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‘New Coke’ Failure: Why decision was too far out to swallow
In spite of the fact that tests showed the new formula tasted better than old Coke, customers believed otherwise. The New Coke failure happened because Coke tried to be something it wasn't.
View Web PageSupport Local Retail: It’s a jungle out there
As Amazon and other online operators change retail’s landscape, who will survive? If we don't support local retail, it may disappear. Not so many years ago, if you heard someone explaining the Amazon effect, you could assume it was about trashing the rain forest.
View Web PageCreative Thinking in Marketing: Reaching brains through sweaty palms
‘Creatives’ conjure the words, pictures and sounds that drive advertising messages into our minds. Creative thinking in marketing is what helps drive results. Creative.
View Web PageBrand consistency pivotal in building success
Staying the course requires courage, discipline. To become really good at whatever we do requires doing the right thing, then doing it consistently. This applies to just about everything.
View Web PageGrowth Strategy: Grow your company by growing your reach
Marketers have heard for generations that 80 percent of our business comes from 20 percent of our customers, but a strong case can be made that this generalization doesn’t much apply anymore — if it ever did. Pareto PrincipleYou might have heard of the Pareto Principle.
View Web PageEvery business should be building an economic moat
When investing in a company, Warren Buffett looks for those who are building an “economic moat. ”
The term is apt. Just as a watery moat protects a castle, building an economic moat is the protection a business gains by virtue of its competitive advantages.
Effective Advertising: Big question is whether to entertain or inform
Every ad person wrestles with the conundrum whether effective advertising should focus more on entertaining or more on informing.
View Web PageSouthwest Airlines Value Proposition Soars on Low-Price Strategy
Many of us have a Southwest Airlines experience to share, but the story that most resonates with marketers is how the company found and executed its successful business strategy. The Southwest Airlines value proposition is a great example of aligning business strategy with the brand positioning idea.
View Web PageWalking line between corporate social responsibility, social division
We care more today about supporting companies whose values are aligned with our values. Corporate social responsibility is important. The reason might be due to the power of social media. Maybe it’s what matters most to millennials. Maybe it’s where we are moving as a society overall.
View Web PageBig Data and Business: 2018 is the year of the algorithm
Making predictions is risky business, but putting our heads in the sand might be even riskier. As we begin another year, it is customary to look ahead and make decisions about where things are going. To that end, it would pay to heed the advice of J.
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