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Barack Obama's New Media Fundraising

The story of Obama's success is very much a story about new media fundraising.

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Ten Common Online Marketing Mistakes

At Search Engine Strategies Conference in New York, I shared experiences with search marketers from around the world. We love sharing our successes. But by scratching the surface you can find a wealth of tips learned from mistakes.

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Positioning Storytelling.

Is the advertising industry losing its way? The recent Wall Street Journal article about the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity seems to point that the answer to that question is yes. Positioning storytelling is weak.

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ArtsinStark: The arts color Stark County’s brand

If I were a painter, I would love adding color to my canvas. If I could sculpt, my clay would take the shape of inspirational people. If I could sing, my song would be joyful.

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Yo Ho! Pirate Ship weighs anchor with brand distinction in a sea of sameness

Not long ago, I got an email from LinkedIn with a digest of “Top job picks for you. ” I’ve been at Innis Maggiore for over two decades and am not in the market to change that, but the first listing caught my eye.

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