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Understanding your customer is key to differentiation
Only when we know what is motivating our prime prospect are we able to find our differentiating idea, our position. Business today is conducted in intensely competitive, technology-driven global marketplaces. Whether you are an international conglomerate or a local mom-and-pop shop, there is no sign of the intensity decreasing.
View Web PageBranding is Dead in the Amazon Economy
We’re going to have to close our doors. We heard it declared twice last week that branding is dead because of Amazon. It is going to own everything. Differences won’t matter. And everything will be ordered through Alexa. We. Give. Up.
View Web PageAmazon and Whole Foods: What will grocers do?
Amazon has become the “everything for everybody” retailer, which in positioning parlance means it’s the opposite of the focused specialists. Amazon and Whole Foods getting together solidifies this. Back in the early days, Amazon’s positioning statement read: “For World Wide Web users who enjoy books, Amazon.
View Web PageMerging Data and Creative: Path to head goes through heart
Like scientists, many business folks have a deep-rooted belief that if they have all the information — all the data — they’ll be able to come up with the precise solution. We want to believe things don’t happen by chance.
View Web PageAI-Powered Marketing Offers One-to-One Personalization
AI-powered marketing is a buzz term in most of the online marketing pubs we read. A question typically posed is: Do any of us know how artificial intelligence will affect our marketing efforts? The answer is: not perfectly. Yet AI-powered marketing is beginning to show glimpses of viable use.
View Web PageEffective Advertising: Big question is whether to entertain or inform
Every ad person wrestles with the conundrum whether effective advertising should focus more on entertaining or more on informing.
View Web PageTest, learn, tweak to formulate business strategy
Learning to write and solve equations is the foundation of formal education for many of us. There are thousands of equations and formulas that guide work in many industries, from making special alloy steel to building spacecraft that can travel to the end of our solar system and beyond.
View Web PagePositioning and Papa John's: Backstory of how positioning propelled pizza giant
Papa John’s had brand positioning, but didn’t know it until a chance conversation. Positioning and Papa Johns go way back. John Schnatter, the founder and namesake of Papa John’s Pizza, started making pies in an oversized closet in his family’s tavern.
View Web PageForging strategy for strengthening Stark County
An important report about recommendations for strengthening Stark County has huge ramifications for those of us who live, work and play here.
View Web PagePositioning in Digital Marketing: Start with positioning to win online search
In the 1970s, Jack Trout and Al Ries first coined the term “positioning” for use in the field of marketing. It made an immediate impact, and nearly a half-century later, the term has become ubiquitous in the business world.
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