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Making Quality Job 1 Helps Belden Brick Stack Up to Competition
Family-owned, operated company is sixth-largest U. S. brick manufacturer; has served as ‘standard of comparison’ for 133 years. Ford Motor Co. popularized the slogan “Quality is Job 1” in its 1980s ad campaigns.
View Web PageWant to be like Buffet and Socrates? Read!
No less an authority than Warren Buffett believes reading is essential to business success. A Columbia University student asked Buffett what he could do to prepare for his career. Buffett thought for a few seconds and then said, “Read 500 pages a week. That’s how knowledge works.
View Web PageFinding Your Trend: Using Google Hot Trends
Many of you may have recently asked me about some of the widgets and apps that track the hottest searches on the web over the past hour or day.
View Web PageThink like a start-up when developing your company mission
Early and often over the history of this column our counsel has been about the importance of strategy in marketing our products and services and in the company mission. We say it often because it is so critical. It cannot be overstated.
View Web Page#Halfpops uses #fullygenius targeted digital promotion to gain exposure
Who would have thought our very own web developers would be the prime audience for a highly targeted digital promotion? When I saw our web and content marketing team display a major affinity for Halfpops’ “coder challenge,” I had to investigate the campaign.
View Web PageDifferentiation: The Secret Sauce of the Top-Trending Brands
Each year, publications like Vogue, CEO World, and other popular print and online outlets publish their top-trending brands to monitor in the coming year. We decided to take a deep dive on one of the top brand lists to see why the companies and products made the list.
View Web PageMeasuring Apple's Brand Strategy
In the 2008 book, Killer Differentiators: 13 Strategies to Grow Your Brand, authors Jacky Tai and Wilson Chew conclude that Apple's brand strategy of consolidating software and hardware has "crippled its growth. " Are they right?
The answer to this brand strategy question may be a matter of perspective.
Living the Life of a Positioning Consultant
There was a time when advertising and PR agencies not only wanted to be marketing partners with their clients, but they actually were. In a 2008 Advertising Age article, positioning consultant Al Ries said, "An advertising partnership should operate in much the same way as a marriage partnership.
View Web PageBig Data and Business: 2018 is the year of the algorithm
Making predictions is risky business, but putting our heads in the sand might be even riskier. As we begin another year, it is customary to look ahead and make decisions about where things are going. To that end, it would pay to heed the advice of J.
View Web PageCrisis positioning: Enhancing your image
A crisis can be the undoing of a company. Crisis positioning can also be handled professionally and soon forgotten. Rare is the crisis that actually enhances a company's reputation and position. Many PositionistView® readers remember the 1982 cyanide-in-the-Tylenol crisis.
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