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When To Use Social Media Advertising
Google "social media advertising" and you will get all sorts of opinions on whether advertising in social media makes sense. One blog entry says that now's the time to start before it gets too crowded, and another says it's past its prime.
View Web PageIt's Time to Trust the Cloud
For years, you’ve heard the term “the cloud. ” Some people trust it. But many don’t. Small- and mid-size business owners are often skeptical of the cloud. Those who leverage the cloud understand its power and advantages — many to the point of having a cloud marketing strategy.
View Web PageBrands must be smart about their social media content strategy
Businesses churn out more and more messages, but ‘engagement’ from customers isn’t keeping pace. There’s only so much an audience can absorb. Businesses churned out three times more messages in the past year, but their prospects and customers didn’t pay any more attention to them. Not good.
View Web Page2011 New Media Trends to Watch
We've had several clients ask us about 2011 new media trends, so here's a summary of my thoughts about what may transpire this year:
Facebook continues its rise. As Facebook approaches a billion global users, we're seeing only the beginning of big things from this social network.
Search: Still the Most Strategic Internet Marketing Tool
It's 2012 so surely we've moved past the humdrum of basic search. Search engine optimization (SEO) and pay per click (PPC) are yesterday's news when it comes to strategic Internet marketing, right?
If you judge by what everyone's discussing, then you'd be right.
Yo Ho! Pirate Ship weighs anchor with brand distinction in a sea of sameness
Not long ago, I got an email from LinkedIn with a digest of “Top job picks for you. ” I’ve been at Innis Maggiore for over two decades and am not in the market to change that, but the first listing caught my eye.
View Web PageEvery business should be building an economic moat
When investing in a company, Warren Buffett looks for those who are building an “economic moat. ”
The term is apt. Just as a watery moat protects a castle, building an economic moat is the protection a business gains by virtue of its competitive advantages.
Brands should heed this warning: Be careful with culture in advertising
Don’t be like Bud Light — unless you have a billion to spare!
What would you do if you woke up to find out that you’ve lost over a billion dollars? You probably would never go back to sleep.
Digital vs. Traditional Marketing: Strategize first, then advertise
With so many media options, it’s difficult to know where to spend ad dollars with a comprehensive plan. Digital vs. traditional marketing decisions face us daily.
View Web PageKeyphrase Research Gets You To Top of Google
Search engine marketing, or as it's frequently called, SEM, is a term referring to any marketing strategy designed to increase website visibility among search engine results in order to increase traffic or sales. Keyphrase research is a vital element in SEO.
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