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Personal Branding Builds the Value of ‘You, Inc.’: How to brand yourself

LeBron James, Donald Trump and many other celebrities know that each of us must be known for something. We need to market ourselves to further our careers. Determining how to brand yourself is more important than ever.

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Please Pass the ... All-Purpose Sauce?

Quick! What's A. 1. ? (You answered, "Steak sauce. ")

Quick! Name a steak sauce. (You said, "A. 1. ")

Positioning marketing theory calls this "equivalence. " Steak sauce is A. 1. ; and A. 1. is steak sauce.

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It's Time to Trust the Cloud

For years, you’ve heard the term “the cloud. ” Some people trust it. But many don’t. Small- and mid-size business owners are often skeptical of the cloud. Those who leverage the cloud understand its power and advantages — many to the point of having a cloud marketing strategy.

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Consumers Positioned to Rule in 2017: Marketing to consumers is vital

From advertisers’ perspective, capitalizing on Facebook might seem easy, but sound marketing plan still necessary

2017 is designated as the year of the consumer. Marketing to consumers is more important than ever. Go back a few decades and manufacturers ruled the roost.

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Right Products, Services & People Help Ziegler Tire Gain Traction

Stark County family business is one of the largest independent tire dealers in the nation; has sold Firestone tires longer than any other dealer. It will come as no surprise to many Stark County residents that Ziegler Tire, headquartered at 4150 Millennium Blvd.

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Checklist for Choosing a Marketing Agency

When it comes to driving business growth, turning your attention to marketing stands out as one of the most important strategies to company success.

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Niche Differentiation Strategy: Mine riches in niches

Charlie Munger knows a bit about making money. Charlie, 94, is worth close to $2 billion. He is the very longtime partner of Warren Buffett, 87. Together they run Berkshire Hathaway. Both still go to work every day. Munger said, “The No.

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Company Focus: Know your ‘why’ to focus on ‘where’ and ‘how’

In last week’s column, we discussed the importance of finding your “why” — the reason your company does what it does beyond making money. It’s wrapped around a higher purpose. The why is considered immutable. The answer, we learned, comes from the customer’s perspective.

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Diebold thrives on nearly 160 years of brand reinvention

Diebold Nixdorf, as Diebold is known today following the acquisition of its major German rival, is the embodiment of a company that has responded well when the time came to reinvent itself. The company has thrived on nearly 160 years of brand reinvention.

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Size Doesn't Matter! Marketing Focus Does.

Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of business. To those of you in leadership positions: The foundation of effective leadership is thinking through the organization's difference, defining it and establishing it, clearly and visibly. You have to have a well differentiated brand to survive today.

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