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Is Mobile the Future of Position Marketing?

The merits of mobile strategies to enhance a brand's position marketing have come more into focus these days. In the United States, smartphone ownership is rising dramatically, driven mainly by ever-dropping prices and the promise of new 4G networks. By mid-2011, 49 percent of U. S.

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Holding the Market Leader Position Swings on the Hinge of "IF"

Of all the ways to differentiate a brand, none is better than leadership. Leadership is its own credential. People naturally believe if you hold the market leader position, your product or service is better. The benefit of becoming a category leader goes well beyond bragging rights.

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Social Marketing ROI: July 2011 Update

In 2011 New Media Trends, I covered the trends we're seeing with Facebook and its climb to a billion members. According to its statistics page, the social network is now at 750 million plus members. One billion should be achieved by the end of 2011.

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Mobile App Versus Mobile Website?

It's finally arrived! The impact of mobile -- proclaimed since Y2K -- is now actually influencing marketing decisions.

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The Bare Essence of Brand Positioning Identity

I've noticed a trend lately toward minimalist brand communication on packaging.

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Choosing an Effective Positioning Slogan

Wisconsin-based privately held Johnsonville Sausage is a positioning winner. What does Johnsonville stand for? Sausage. What kind of sausage? All kinds. Breakfast, turkey, chicken, pork, beef, apple, garlic, brats, Italian, cheddar, maple, smoked, snack, and everything in between.

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Kodak -- Blindsided by the Digital Revolution

A decade ago, Interbrand ranked Kodak as the 16th most valuable brand in the world, worth $14. 8 billion. Its stock traded as high as $94 and the company employed 145,300 people worldwide.

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Chevy's Brand Positioning Attempt

It Sure is Deep in Here: Chevy is "retooling" and "reinvigorating" so that you'll be "resonating"

Apparently, brand positioning and resulting sales no longer matter in the automotive business. It's all about resonating. Recently, GM Chief Marketing Officer Joel Ewanick told the world that the time had come.

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Show Dad a Little Dove®

This Father's Day, Dove® wants to sell more product. So, it has jumped gender and journeyed into product line extension land. Unilever, the parent company, wants to sell dad antiperspirant, deodorant and soap. Yes, Dove for dads -- brand androgyny.

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The Perfect Start-Up: Positioning a Brand for Success

Imagine you have a great idea for a new product or service. The business plan is written and the profit potential looks promising. The brand name is memorable, the target audience has been identified and the distribution channel has been established.

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