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Measuring Apple's Brand Strategy

In the 2008 book, Killer Differentiators: 13 Strategies to Grow Your Brand, authors Jacky Tai and Wilson Chew conclude that Apple's brand strategy of consolidating software and hardware has "crippled its growth. " Are they right?

The answer to this brand strategy question may be a matter of perspective.

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Internal Positioning Will Have a Staggering Impact on Your Brand

We tell our clients and prospects every day that their company's position is never some outlandish idea with little relation to who they are and what they're all about. It's really quite simple and, in fact, in the words of Jack Trout, it's almost always "obvious.

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Positioning is Only Natural

Mother Goose Knows This Stuff is No Mere Fairy Tale

Every spring over the last few years, Innis Maggiore has witnessed a wonder of nature that's also a real life application of positioning.

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What do you get the person who has everything?

I cannot open my Twitter without being reminded by Trunk Club advertising that I'm a terrible dresser. They're all over me right now and, by all reasonable fashion conventions, they're probably right.

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Pepsi brings the "craft" to cola

The craft beer industry is booming. But rather than fighting the trend, big brewers like MillerCoors and Anheuser-Busch are joining in and creating their own microbrews. Smaller, premium beverages bring a personalization to the drinking experience that mass-produced ones just can't match.

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The age of competition: A survival guide in a competitive positioning world

We live in a world where everyone is after everyone's business. And it's a world in which, if you lose your business, you never get it back. It's a competitive positioning world. A few numbers make the case.

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What’s in a name? Only everything, including brand name value

From a marketing standpoint, the most important decision you can make is what to name your product or service. The right choice brings significant brand name value. A business’ or product’s name is one of its most important assets.

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Great company slogans are difficult to create, but worth extra effort

Other than creating the brand’s name, the development of tagline might be marketer’s most important task. Great company slogans roll off our tongues like sweet candy, and many are so popular that people use them in their everyday conversations. Great company slogans, though, are much more than clever words.

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Personal Branding Builds the Value of ‘You, Inc.’: How to brand yourself

LeBron James, Donald Trump and many other celebrities know that each of us must be known for something. We need to market ourselves to further our careers. Determining how to brand yourself is more important than ever.

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Amazon and Whole Foods: What will grocers do?

Amazon has become the “everything for everybody” retailer, which in positioning parlance means it’s the opposite of the focused specialists. Amazon and Whole Foods getting together solidifies this. Back in the early days, Amazon’s positioning statement read: “For World Wide Web users who enjoy books, Amazon.

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