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Cookieless Advertising: What's Next?

As we move away from cookie-based advertising and into a new, cookieless world, the question we hear most often is, “How can I effectively track and target our online audience now?”

For over two decades, cookies have been THE preferred way to record user activity.

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Size Doesn't Matter! Marketing Focus Does.

Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of business. To those of you in leadership positions: The foundation of effective leadership is thinking through the organization's difference, defining it and establishing it, clearly and visibly. You have to have a well differentiated brand to survive today.

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FedEx's Strategic Positioning Concept Absolutely, Positively Disrupted

FedEx founder Fred Smith wrote an economics paper while at Yale. The paper was about his idea to make an overnight delivery service more efficient by using the "hub and spokes" concept. His professor told him that it would never work and gave poor Fred a C.

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The Tale of Two Conglomerates

In talks I deliver on the topic of positioning, I often make an offer that elicits a great response from the audience.

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Doing Things the Right Way Keeps Young Trucks’ Customers Rolling

Family-owned Canton company has eyes on growth as operations transition to fourth
generation. Doing the right things for the right reasons typically works out for the best. That’s precisely how things have played out for Young Trucks.

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Test, learn, tweak to formulate business strategy

Learning to write and solve equations is the foundation of formal education for many of us. There are thousands of equations and formulas that guide work in many industries, from making special alloy steel to building spacecraft that can travel to the end of our solar system and beyond.

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Century-old book speaks to 2016 business challenges, positioning strategy

Solutions, when found, will be simple and obvious — but only in retrospect.

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Brand Meaning: Can a Brand Change Its Spots?

Famed Apple Stores leader and Silicon Valley wunderkind Ron Johnson thought so. He swept in as JC Penney's new CEO with celebratory bravado. He promised to change the stodgy brand meaning to a younger, hipper and more upscale image. Seventeen months later, JC Penney's board fired him.

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Repositioning, Positioning's Twin Concept. Its Emergence Is Timely.

Positioning has become the most powerful concept in marketing.   Positioning has a twin concept that has received little attention.   In Jack Trout's latest book, Repositioning, released in October 2009, this twin concept is finally emerging into the light of the marketplace.

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A Tale of Brand Meaning: LeBrand, The Champ. We, The Chumps.

It was 9:27 p. m. on July 8, 2010 that redefined Greenwich Mean Time, as that was the time LeBron James changed his brand meaning and kicked Clevelanders in their nether regions with malice on a nationally televised unspectacular spectacle from the Connecticut suburb.

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