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Sears' saga found in snowblowers
Former Sears executive Steve Goldstein was so shocked when he found snowblowers for sale at his company’s Miami store that he wrote the book, “Why are there Snowblowers in Miami?”
That is but one of myriad anecdotes in Sears’ 120-year history, yet it reveals much about the thinking of those who…
5 Cheat Codes from a Google Ads Agency
If you’re a gamer, you know what it means to have a cheat code. For those who don’t game, consider these your five “secret sauces” that will bring unbelievable flavor (success!) to your Google Ads campaigns. These are compliments of the area’s leading Google Ads agency, Innis Maggiore.
View Web PageInnis Maggiore's Big Three: "You-Better-Get-These-Done" Website Positioning Items in 2015
Today, millions of consumers will log in to Amazon and other online retailers in a frantic search for the best Cyber Monday deal.
View Web PagePositionist Picks: 2011 Super Bowl Ads
The Best and Worst "Positioning" Ads of the Super Bowl
The big game is over, but ratings, rankings and commentary on which Super Bowl advertisements and positivists fared the best and worst (fueled by the churn of Internet and social media, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, news.
Viral Video Marketing: How Being Different, Relevant, & Good Can Get You Far
By now, you and nearly the entire world has had the opportunity to see and hear about the viral video for Susan Boyle, the dowdy-looking Scottish woman who appeared as a contestant on Britain's Got Talent, and shocked everyone with her incredible voice.
View Web PageThink like a start-up when developing your company mission
Early and often over the history of this column our counsel has been about the importance of strategy in marketing our products and services and in the company mission. We say it often because it is so critical. It cannot be overstated.
View Web Page‘Positioning map’ can reveal your competitive advantage
Today, more than ever, businesses need the right strategies to compete and win in the hyper-competitive marketplace. No market or industry is exempt from the need to focus on and adjust the way they’re doing business.
View Web PageGoogle Instant: Is it a Search Engine Positioning Game-Changer?
On Sept. 8, Google announced its new search functionality: Google Instant. This new search feature only works when a user is logged into a Google account.
View Web PageLiving Your Brand Position
What I Learned On My 800-Mile Trek Across Texas Interviewing 85-Year-Old Widows
If you're a regular reader of PositionistView, you're well aware of our brand position philosophy -- employing a differentiating idea, a strategy of differentiating your brand against your competition in all of your marketing messages.
The Moment Of Aperture Meets The Transaction
Consider this the abbreviated version of the buying cycle: a shopper wants things, even things she doesn't know she wants, and she seeks these things out or they seek her out as she goes about her daily life.
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