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Consumers Positioned to Rule in 2017: Marketing to consumers is vital
From advertisers’ perspective, capitalizing on Facebook might seem easy, but sound marketing plan still necessary
2017 is designated as the year of the consumer. Marketing to consumers is more important than ever. Go back a few decades and manufacturers ruled the roost.
Appreciating advertising’s greatest game through Super Bowl ads
Stakes are high and costs considerable when companies consider purchasing a 30-second spot during the Super Bowl. Super Bowl ads can make or break a brand. A marketing column wouldn’t be a marketing column without commenting on the ultimate arena for advertising: the Super Bowl. Ultimate indeed.
View Web PageCulturalism Trumps Commercialism in Super Bowl LI
By Lorraine Kessler, Principal | Strategy & Client Service
The Super Bowl is over. Maybe one of the best games ever. But also, one of the most memorable in terms of politics and culturalism.
Great ads build on strong Super Bowl marketing strategy
If success were easy, history would not be filled with numerous flops from advertisers. Not always are ads built on strong Super Bowl marketing strategy.
View Web PageThinking about advertising budgets? Think like Henry Ford
Ad agency people frequently hear the question, “How much money should we spend on marketing?” The question is pretty basic, but the answer is not a simple sum or percentage. Advertising budgets are challenging.
View Web PageWe’re All Suffering from ‘Infobesity’: Differentiation strategy key
In an era of information overload, brand differentiation strategy becomes more important than ever. If information contained calories, we’d all be fatA Microsoft-sponsored study found the average human attention span has fallen from 12 seconds in 2000, around the time the mobile revolution began, to eight seconds in 2015.
View Web PagePositioning delivers when marketing a professional business firm
Legion are the tales of marketing battles waged by brands that consumers see on retail shelves. But a huge number of businesses go to market every day with no tangible product — yet they are locked in marketing combat.
View Web PageCreative Thinking in Marketing: Reaching brains through sweaty palms
‘Creatives’ conjure the words, pictures and sounds that drive advertising messages into our minds. Creative thinking in marketing is what helps drive results. Creative.
View Web PageStrategic Leadership: CEOs must define, promote differentiation
The foundation for effective strategic leadership is thinking through your organization’s difference, defining it and establishing it, clearly and visibly. For so many years, CEOs have focused on doing things better. Today, however, we realize this approach no longer is enough.
View Web PageJack Trout and Positioning: Legacy is brand success strategy
Jack Trout’s counsel to 500 Ohio business leaders in 2009 rings as true today as it did the day he delivered it. Times like these, he said, are opportunities for companies and brands.
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