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PR and Digital Marketing: PR’s storytelling heritage helps boost brands’ online traction
A few short years ago, not many would have connected public relations folks with the digital revolution. But a funny thing happened along the way. PR and digital marketing got hitched. In the late 1990s, the so-called digital revolution gained a toehold as web development boomed.
View Web PageBrand Reinvention: Reinvent or die
What do you do when even a good coat of polish doesn’t make your shoes shine anymore?
It might be time to buy a new pair of shoes. Whether we are talking shoes or business, how we handle disruptive threats makes all the difference in the world.
Lots to learn from the hedgehog and the fox
To understand the spiny hedgehog and the sly silver fox, we must go back nearly three millennia. It started with a verse from 7th century BC Greek poet Archilochus: “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows only one big thing.
View Web PageSupporting Local Business: Think outside ‘big box’
According to a recent report, Stark County’s population will continue to decrease, get older and have fewer dollars if our community stays on its current trajectory.
View Web PageFind your business’ marketing Holy Grail
In the Christian tradition, the vessel Jesus and his disciples used to drink wine at the Last Supper is called the Holy Grail. Through the centuries, the Holy Grail has come to be known as something very special and highly sought for its miraculous powers.
View Web PageFind your brand positioning: Play your Cs to win in marketplace
Do you ever feel like you’re throwing a wad of spaghetti against the wall and hoping some will stick?
That is no way to win in the marketplace. The business with the right strategy and the commitment to carry it out inevitably will win.
Want to be like Buffet and Socrates? Read!
No less an authority than Warren Buffett believes reading is essential to business success. A Columbia University student asked Buffett what he could do to prepare for his career. Buffett thought for a few seconds and then said, “Read 500 pages a week. That’s how knowledge works.
View Web PageNimbleness, Quality Fuel Growth at Premier Building Solutions
Stark County manufacturer has expanded three times since forming in 2008; Company setting itself up for continued growth in 2019 — and beyond. Some companies struggle to find buyers interested in their products and services. Massillon’s Premier Building Solutions never had that problem.
View Web PageEarning Customers' Trust Helps Grove Appliance Stand the Test of Time
Some things haven’t changed much since E. J. Grove started his own refrigeration business in Alliance in 1935. The foundation of E. J. ’s business model was to provide quality workmanship and products at a fair price with excellent service. Fast-forward 83 years to 2018.
View Web PageGrandmother's Original Recipe Helps MID'S True Sicilian Pasta Sauce Bite Into Market Share
Locally made pasta sauce is selling in thousands of supermarkets across 30 states; newly upgraded manufacturing facility is enabling additional growth. If Mideo Octavio, affectionately known to friends and family members as Mid, were alive today, he’d surely be wide eyed and smiling.
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