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Shift to Showers Helps Tower Industries Climb Into National Spotlight
Now No. 1 in solid-surface shower solutions, Stark County company hasn't forgotten countertops, where it all began. Success brings with it blood, sweat and tears, and more than a smidgeon of stress.
View Web PageThroughout Turnaround, Union Metal Keeps 'Getting Better Every Day'
Historic Canton light pole manufacturer gets second chance to make an even bigger mark in the important industry it helped to shape. Successful manufacturing operations are driven by innovation, productivity and safety. They continuously work to get better at each. Union Metal Industries Corp. , at 1432 Maple Ave.
View Web PageWebsite Accessibility: The Right Thing to Do
It’s no secret, the digital marketplace is at the forefront of our economy. Not surprisingly, websites are one of the most popular digital marketing tools available. Your website offers consumers a variety of information, from the story behind your brand, to the characteristics that make your products different.
View Web PageDifferentiate or Die by AI
One of Jack Trout’s most popular works – Differentiate or Die – was published in 2000, just after the Y2K “scare. ” The technology bubble was about to burst, and changes to our way of living and thinking due to the 9/11 disaster were just around the corner.
View Web PageMarket Positioning and the Context Filter: Stanley vs. Kodak
In a recent planning session for our 50th anniversary events, I was surprised to learn that our senior project manager had specified a Stanley mug for our kickoff celebration swag bag. I’m a Yeti fan, so this choice raised my curiosity. I might have even expected Hydro Flask.
View Web PageFifty Years of Positioning: the 1970s
Some things have changed since Dick Maggiore and his stepdad, the late Chuck Innis, founded Innis Maggiore in 1974 at the kitchen table of their home in Canton. But some things haven’t changed one bit.
View Web PageDon’t Dare Call It “McDonut”!
How sweet is the McDonald’s/Krispy Kreme cross-promotion strategy?
Lots of people like McDonald’s. Lots of people like Krispy Kreme.
Generational Marketing: How can brands reach Gen Z?
Brands have always been focused on tailoring their approaches to various demographics, among them being generations. From messaging to tactics, brands must crack the generational marketing code for every demographic to achieve the best results.
View Web PageDid Jaguar Commit Brand Suicide?
I’ve been asked about a couple dozen times now, “What did you think of that Jaguar ad?” My response is always, “Well, it’s interesting…” and I stop there because most people have already formed their opinions, and it’s typically, “It’s awful.
View Web PageProgressive's Brand Identity: In or Out?
Remember the 1997 movie called In and Out? It starred Kevin Kline as Howard Brackett, a Midwestern high school teacher who questioned his sexual identity after being pronounced gay on national TV by an Academy Award-winning former student.
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