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Domino's is Facing a Positioning Identity Crisis. Two actually.
In 2012, Domino's dropped "pizza" from its company name and unveiled a fresh, modernized logo. If you didn't know that happened, you're not alone. Now, more than three years later, Domino's is just starting to advertise the change. The company is having a positioning identity crisis.
View Web PageChevy's Brand Positioning Attempt
It Sure is Deep in Here: Chevy is "retooling" and "reinvigorating" so that you'll be "resonating"
Apparently, brand positioning and resulting sales no longer matter in the automotive business. It's all about resonating. Recently, GM Chief Marketing Officer Joel Ewanick told the world that the time had come.
Viral Video Marketing: How Being Different, Relevant, & Good Can Get You Far
By now, you and nearly the entire world has had the opportunity to see and hear about the viral video for Susan Boyle, the dowdy-looking Scottish woman who appeared as a contestant on Britain's Got Talent, and shocked everyone with her incredible voice.
View Web PageDigital vs. Traditional Marketing: Strategize first, then advertise
With so many media options, it’s difficult to know where to spend ad dollars with a comprehensive plan. Digital vs. traditional marketing decisions face us daily.
View Web PageCrisis positioning: Enhancing your image
A crisis can be the undoing of a company. Crisis positioning can also be handled professionally and soon forgotten. Rare is the crisis that actually enhances a company's reputation and position. Many PositionistView® readers remember the 1982 cyanide-in-the-Tylenol crisis.
View Web Page2024 Super Bowl Ads Winners and Losers
If you read our “How to Critique Super Bowl Commercials” PositionistView article last week, you know we have a fairly critical eye when judging the commercials. Along with a crazy overtime Chiefs’ win, the ads also provided plenty of chatter at our watch party.
View Web PageCSE Federal Credit Union Puts the "Local" in Banking
Stark County credit union employs nearly 130 people at four locations, issued $110 million in local loans in 2018 and is evolving with ever-changing member needs. Inside its branches, in promotional materials, on social media channels and throughout our community, CSE Federal Credit Union pushes the message, “Bank Local.
View Web PageGet your 3Ms right to grow your business
Start this year off right by fixing your marketing strategy to deliver the advantage your company deserves. Most of your troubles can be solved by effective marketing. If you’re not able to keep customers and find new ones, nothing else matters much.
View Web PageTen Common Online Marketing Mistakes
At Search Engine Strategies Conference in New York, I shared experiences with search marketers from around the world. We love sharing our successes. But by scratching the surface you can find a wealth of tips learned from mistakes.
View Web PageSears' saga found in snowblowers
Former Sears executive Steve Goldstein was so shocked when he found snowblowers for sale at his company’s Miami store that he wrote the book, “Why are there Snowblowers in Miami?”
That is but one of myriad anecdotes in Sears’ 120-year history, yet it reveals much about the thinking of those who…