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The Pendulum Of Brand Change
Vision without execution is hallucination. Your strategy determined and decisions made, it's time to execute. Turning the vision into reality, Business Strategy and marketing is where things can fall apart. Americans elected Barack Obama, then eight years later elected Donald Trump.
View Web Page'You Matter' to Leading Local Health Plan Provider AultCare
Stark County health plan provider does everything it can to keep costs low and quality high; 'You Matter' is much more than just a slogan. Since its inception in 1985, AultCare hasn't strayed one iota from its original single-minded focus.
View Web PageRemarkable Flowers & People Keep Cathy Cowgill Blooming
Florist has been in business since 1909, is still family owned and was Stark County’s favorite again in 2018. The Cowgill family has been there for Stark County residents during emotional times for 110 years.
View Web PageSuper Bowl LIV Advertising: The game behind the game
(As seen in Crain’s Cleveland Business. )
Will more brands brave the political fray in 2020?
For many years, advertisers were cautioned not to mix brands with politics. Conventional wisdom said choosing sides was commercial suicide.
Making Quality Job 1 Helps Belden Brick Stack Up to Competition
Family-owned, operated company is sixth-largest U. S. brick manufacturer; has served as ‘standard of comparison’ for 133 years. Ford Motor Co. popularized the slogan “Quality is Job 1” in its 1980s ad campaigns.
View Web PageRight Products, Services & People Help Ziegler Tire Gain Traction
Stark County family business is one of the largest independent tire dealers in the nation; has sold Firestone tires longer than any other dealer. It will come as no surprise to many Stark County residents that Ziegler Tire, headquartered at 4150 Millennium Blvd.
View Web PageBrand Purpose: Beyond features and benefits, companies win with their whys
Not too long ago, the popular advertising strategy was to promote product features like low calories, shavers with pivot heads and toothpaste that removes stains. Then we shifted to something with more personal relevance: product benefits.
View Web PageGrading the New Big Ten Logo
As the "resident expert" on logo design at the nation's leading agency in the practice of positioning, I was asked to provide a critique on the new Big Ten logo created by international design firm Pentagram.
View Web PageDEVO Whips Itself Into Shape With Positioning Marketing
Can music benefit from positioning marketing? Though an art form, it is also a product, so in that context the answer is a definite yes.
View Web PagePR 2.0: Old Newshounds Learn New Tricks
The world of news releases and public relations is in the midst of a major transformation, the likes of which PR and journalism have never experienced. Change scares people. We like things the way they were yesterday, last year, a decade ago. Same goes for PR.
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