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Emotional Appeal: If we win the heart, we will win the mind

We make decisions with the ‘emotional’ side of our brain, then we rationalize the decision with the ‘thinking’ side of our brain. Emotional appeal drives us to rational decision.

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Thinking about advertising budgets? Think like Henry Ford

Ad agency people frequently hear the question, “How much money should we spend on marketing?” The question is pretty basic, but the answer is not a simple sum or percentage. Advertising budgets are challenging.

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ArtsinStark: The arts color Stark County’s brand

If I were a painter, I would love adding color to my canvas. If I could sculpt, my clay would take the shape of inspirational people. If I could sing, my song would be joyful.

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R.I.P., Jack Trout, and Thank You for Positioning

Jack Trout helped put Naugahyde under our butts and Betty Crocker back in our kitchens, but most of all he put positioning top of mind for generations of marketers from Canton to China. When we think positioning, we think Jack Trout Positioning.

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Understanding your customer is key to differentiation

Only when we know what is motivating our prime prospect are we able to find our differentiating idea, our position. Business today is conducted in intensely competitive, technology-driven global marketplaces. Whether you are an international conglomerate or a local mom-and-pop shop, there is no sign of the intensity decreasing.

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PR and Digital Marketing: PR’s storytelling heritage helps boost brands’ online traction

A few short years ago, not many would have connected public relations folks with the digital revolution. But a funny thing happened along the way. PR and digital marketing got hitched. In the late 1990s, the so-called digital revolution gained a toehold as web development boomed.

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Business Growth: When is ‘too big’ too big?

Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft are in a five-horse race to dominate global business. Does it feel like we’re getting close to something big, dramatic or maybe even bubble-bursting?

Things seem to be changing at a faster pace. Business growth is at an all-time high.

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Positioning and Papa John's: Backstory of how positioning propelled pizza giant

Papa John’s had brand positioning, but didn’t know it until a chance conversation. Positioning and Papa Johns go way back. John Schnatter, the founder and namesake of Papa John’s Pizza, started making pies in an oversized closet in his family’s tavern.

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Forging strategy for strengthening Stark County

An important report about recommendations for strengthening Stark County has huge ramifications for those of us who live, work and play here.

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Super Bowl Advertising: Will advertisers ‘show me the new’ in Super Bowl LII?

In Super Bowl advertising, it might be the year of the familiar — familiar advertisers, familiar celebrities, familiar teasers, familiar promotional stunts and humor. Familiar is not all bad.

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