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Tropicana: A Lesson In Brand Creative

There has been a lot of talk, by marketing experts and consumers alike, about the debacle of Tropicana's new packaging and brand creative.

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PR 2.0: Old Newshounds Learn New Tricks

The world of news releases and public relations is in the midst of a major transformation, the likes of which PR and journalism have never experienced. Change scares people. We like things the way they were yesterday, last year, a decade ago. Same goes for PR.

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Google Reverses Its Decision — Third-Party Cookies are Back!

Google announced its initial intentions to eliminate third-party cookies in 2020. While the decision was based on protecting the data privacy rights of users, companies and marketers were left racing to replace them.

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Using Online Video in Your Positioning Advertising Mix

The times . . . they are a-changin'. Remember the days of dial-up? Slow downloads? Those days seem in the distant past. Viewing videos online is no longer cumbersome. Online video has moved into the mainstream, and that's good news for your positioning advertising mix.

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How a UX Design Agency Impacts Your Greatest Marketing Tool

These days, before someone ever visits your actual store or looks at your product in person, there is almost 100% certainty they took a moment to look up your website.

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2011 New Media Trends to Watch

We've had several clients ask us about 2011 new media trends, so here's a summary of my thoughts about what may transpire this year:

Facebook continues its rise. As Facebook approaches a billion global users, we're seeing only the beginning of big things from this social network.

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Did Jaguar Commit Brand Suicide?

I’ve been asked about a couple dozen times now, “What did you think of that Jaguar ad?” My response is always, “Well, it’s interesting…” and I stop there because most people have already formed their opinions, and it’s typically, “It’s awful.

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Positioning Online: Why I.T. Can't Position Your Company Online

A little history: when the world wide web first appeared on the scene, companies had no idea what to make of it. Positioning online was not a thing. Since the web involved code and computers, it was a logical decision to put websites in the hands of the I.

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Breaking Positioning Principles -- Marketing Google+

Raise your hand if you think Google+ is Google's first attempt at a social network. OK, put all those hands down. Ever hear of Google Wave or Google Buzz? Not many have, so don't fret if you raised your hand.

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Find your business’ marketing Holy Grail

In the Christian tradition, the vessel Jesus and his disciples used to drink wine at the Last Supper is called the Holy Grail. Through the centuries, the Holy Grail has come to be known as something very special and highly sought for its miraculous powers.

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