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Repositioning: Push Brand Relevance to Rev Up Your Position

Building a strong brand is not easy. Few do it. It takes the right strategy for differentiation plus factors of focus and commitment as measured by time and money. Sometimes, repositioning is needed. Conventional positioning wisdom contends that getting to the top is harder than staying on top.

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FedEx's Strategic Positioning Concept Absolutely, Positively Disrupted

FedEx founder Fred Smith wrote an economics paper while at Yale. The paper was about his idea to make an overnight delivery service more efficient by using the "hub and spokes" concept. His professor told him that it would never work and gave poor Fred a C.

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Brand Meaning: Can a Brand Change Its Spots?

Famed Apple Stores leader and Silicon Valley wunderkind Ron Johnson thought so. He swept in as JC Penney's new CEO with celebratory bravado. He promised to change the stodgy brand meaning to a younger, hipper and more upscale image. Seventeen months later, JC Penney's board fired him.

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The Tale of Two Conglomerates

In talks I deliver on the topic of positioning, I often make an offer that elicits a great response from the audience.

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Please Pass the ... All-Purpose Sauce?

Quick! What's A. 1. ? (You answered, "Steak sauce. ")

Quick! Name a steak sauce. (You said, "A. 1. ")

Positioning marketing theory calls this "equivalence. " Steak sauce is A. 1. ; and A. 1. is steak sauce.

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Positioning Storytelling.

Is the advertising industry losing its way? The recent Wall Street Journal article about the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity seems to point that the answer to that question is yes. Positioning storytelling is weak.

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Airport Positioning: CAK on the Attack

Each edition of this publication, PositionistView®, highlights a noteworthy accomplishment or (more often) a stunning positioning "swing-and-a-miss" of a big brand. We choose big brands because they're easily recognizable and relatable. This edition focuses on airport branding and more.

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Innis Maggiore's Big Three: "You-Better-Get-These-Done" Website Positioning Items in 2015

Today, millions of consumers will log in to Amazon and other online retailers in a frantic search for the best Cyber Monday deal.

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The age of competition: A survival guide in a competitive positioning world

We live in a world where everyone is after everyone's business. And it's a world in which, if you lose your business, you never get it back. It's a competitive positioning world. A few numbers make the case.

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An authentic positioning lesson from the soda formerly known as Coke

Labels are for cans, not people. It's a nice sentiment any way you cut it, and Coke would have us believe it thinks so, too, by dropping its name from the can.

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