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Brand extension can help growth, but keep your focus

Companies must know the difference between line extension and a brand extension . . . and when to go each route. Apple CEO Tim Cook learned a gem of a lesson from the legendary Steve Jobs. “I learned that focus is key.

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Emotional Appeal: If we win the heart, we will win the mind

We make decisions with the ‘emotional’ side of our brain, then we rationalize the decision with the ‘thinking’ side of our brain. Emotional appeal drives us to rational decision.

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Digital vs. Traditional Marketing: Strategize first, then advertise

With so many media options, it’s difficult to know where to spend ad dollars with a comprehensive plan. Digital vs. traditional marketing decisions face us daily.

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Advertise better with 22 immutable laws of marketing as inspiration

Jack Trout and Al Ries inspired a generation of advertising and marketing executives and creative directors when they published “The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing,” and for good reason. Their immutable laws of marketing, as we have learned over the past two installments of this series, remain relevant.

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Positioning delivers when marketing a professional business firm

Legion are the tales of marketing battles waged by brands that consumers see on retail shelves. But a huge number of businesses go to market every day with no tangible product — yet they are locked in marketing combat.

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ArtsinStark: The arts color Stark County’s brand

If I were a painter, I would love adding color to my canvas. If I could sculpt, my clay would take the shape of inspirational people. If I could sing, my song would be joyful.

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Understanding your customer is key to differentiation

Only when we know what is motivating our prime prospect are we able to find our differentiating idea, our position. Business today is conducted in intensely competitive, technology-driven global marketplaces. Whether you are an international conglomerate or a local mom-and-pop shop, there is no sign of the intensity decreasing.

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What’s a brand anyway? The basics of brand positioning

Dunkin’ Donuts is planning to change its name to Dunkin’. The move is the latest example of corporate repositioning to make news that mainstream media will report. It's a brand positioning case study.

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Differentiation in Business: A marketing lesson from Mickey Mouse

Winning brands are desirably different in consumers’ minds. Differentiation in business is what helps them win.

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Forging strategy for strengthening Stark County

An important report about recommendations for strengthening Stark County has huge ramifications for those of us who live, work and play here.

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