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An Introduction To YouTube Optimization

You might be surprised to learn that YouTube is the second-largest search engine. It's bigger than both Yahoo and Bing, and second only to Google. YouTube optimization, however, is something we must not forget.

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Great company slogans are difficult to create, but worth extra effort

Other than creating the brand’s name, the development of tagline might be marketer’s most important task. Great company slogans roll off our tongues like sweet candy, and many are so popular that people use them in their everyday conversations. Great company slogans, though, are much more than clever words.

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Digital Marketing vs Sales: Digital dictates need to reset sales and marketing

When I was a kid and my dad wanted to buy a car, the first place he would go was the car dealership. Dad wanted information and the car dealer had it.

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The Undoing of GM

In the third decade of the 21st century, GM may once again be a big brand in big trouble paying the high cost of brand positioning failure. The company’s U. S. market share of 17.

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Business Growth: When is ‘too big’ too big?

Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft are in a five-horse race to dominate global business. Does it feel like we’re getting close to something big, dramatic or maybe even bubble-bursting?

Things seem to be changing at a faster pace. Business growth is at an all-time high.

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Domino's Positioning: Are You Gonna Finish That Cardboard?

We Guarantee a Bad Product - Fast!
Let me see if I have this right: A major brand is spending lots and lots of money telling us that for years and years its product has always been lousy. Until now, that is. Thanks, Domino's.

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Appreciating advertising’s greatest game through Super Bowl ads

Stakes are high and costs considerable when companies consider purchasing a 30-second spot during the Super Bowl. Super Bowl ads can make or break a brand. A marketing column wouldn’t be a marketing column without commenting on the ultimate arena for advertising: the Super Bowl. Ultimate indeed.

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Can Volvo be the Safe Luxury Car?

A little history first: Do you remember when Volvo was shaped like a tank and even drove like one? It was engineered tough and reliable. The controls on the dashboard were few. It was all about safety. Decision making throughout the organization was filtered first through the safety lens.

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Understanding your customer is key to differentiation

Only when we know what is motivating our prime prospect are we able to find our differentiating idea, our position. Business today is conducted in intensely competitive, technology-driven global marketplaces. Whether you are an international conglomerate or a local mom-and-pop shop, there is no sign of the intensity decreasing.

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You Have Their Attention – Now Get Their Trust

Whether it’s as simple as a handwritten sign reading “Lemonade Stand,” or as complex as a Super Bowl commercial, attention marketing can be reduced to winning the gaze of the prospect. This challenge isn’t an easy one.

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