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Consumers Positioned to Rule in 2017: Marketing to consumers is vital
From advertisers’ perspective, capitalizing on Facebook might seem easy, but sound marketing plan still necessary
2017 is designated as the year of the consumer. Marketing to consumers is more important than ever. Go back a few decades and manufacturers ruled the roost.
A New Year... A New Day For The Google Page Listing
With the velocity we face in the digital age, a review of what we "know" reveals that it doesn't take a year for that knowledge to become outdated. In fact, sometimes it only takes a few weeks.
View Web PageWatch Out for That New Media Advertising Magic Pixie Dust!
"We need to do social media!" exclaimed the CEO. "My kids are telling me it's the thing to do!" He continued, "If we could just get a few tweets out there, we could solve all of our problems. " Everyone's looking to new media advertising to change everything.
View Web PageSearch: Still the Most Strategic Internet Marketing Tool
It's 2012 so surely we've moved past the humdrum of basic search. Search engine optimization (SEO) and pay per click (PPC) are yesterday's news when it comes to strategic Internet marketing, right?
If you judge by what everyone's discussing, then you'd be right.
Super Bowl XLIX Special Edition - Inflated Expectations for Super Bowl Branding?
There were no inflated expectations as far as the game went on Super Bowl Sunday. Deflated Seattle fans notwithstanding, the game delivered. There were no close calls, however, in choosing the best and worst of this year's Super Bowl branding ad lineup.
View Web PageSolving a Whale of a Problem: Is it Time for a SeaWorld Positioning Change?
For generations, families have trekked to SeaWorld to see "Shamu, the killer whale. " More than the main attraction, Shamu is the face of the theme park.
View Web PageWANTED: New Home for Puppies
Budweiser Positioning puts sales over sentiment for this year's Super Bowl® advertising
Budweiser didn't exactly throw the puppies under the bus, but those pooches are definitely no longer on the payroll in its Super Bowl positioning advertising.
#Halfpops uses #fullygenius targeted digital promotion to gain exposure
Who would have thought our very own web developers would be the prime audience for a highly targeted digital promotion? When I saw our web and content marketing team display a major affinity for Halfpops’ “coder challenge,” I had to investigate the campaign.
View Web PageBrands must be smart about their social media content strategy
Businesses churn out more and more messages, but ‘engagement’ from customers isn’t keeping pace. There’s only so much an audience can absorb. Businesses churned out three times more messages in the past year, but their prospects and customers didn’t pay any more attention to them. Not good.
View Web PagePersonal Branding Builds the Value of ‘You, Inc.’: How to brand yourself
LeBron James, Donald Trump and many other celebrities know that each of us must be known for something. We need to market ourselves to further our careers. Determining how to brand yourself is more important than ever.
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