Innis Maggiore Honored with the 2014 Business for the Arts Award
Innis Maggiore, the nation's leading agency in the practice of positioning, was presented the 2014 Business for the Arts award at the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce's 100th anniversary gala on Friday.
Presented by ArtsinStark, the award recognizes Innis Maggiore for its community and civic support in the Stark County area.
"Innis Maggiore's long-term commitment to supporting the arts and the impressive contributions from associates on an individual level has made a true impact on our community," said Robb Hankins, president and CEO of ArtsinStark. "It is clear that supporting Stark County is ingrained in the organization's culture."
President and CEO Dick Maggiore said he is particularly proud of this award, especially as the agency celebrates its 40th anniversary this year.
"The agency and its more than 30 dedicated associates believe strongly in the cultural, social and emotional benefits of a vibrant arts community, as well as all of the attributes that make Canton and Stark County strong and supportive for those who live and work here," Maggiore said.
Innis Maggiore's associates give back to the Stark County community with contributions, volunteer work and pro bono work at organizations like the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce, Canton Museum of Art, Canton Symphony Orchestra, Stark Development Board, Kent State University Stark Campus, Massillon Museum and others.
"Our reputation as the leading agency in the practice of positioning helps us expand business locally and across the United States, and our growth in turn helps strengthen the fiber of our community," Maggiore said.
Innis Maggiore Group is the nation's leading advertising agency in the practice of positioning, building strong brand positions for companies in competitive markets. The advertising and public relations agency had 2013 capitalized billings of more than $26 million. Key clients include AultCare, Aultman Hospital, Bank of America, Campbell Oil/BellStores, FSBO, GOJO Industries, Inc., inventors of PURELL®, Goodyear, GuideStone Financial Resources, Kendall House/KFC, Nickles Bakery, RTI International Metals and Republic Steel. Innis Maggiore is a member of the American Association of Advertising Agencies and the Public Relations Society of America. The company maintains a website at www.innismaggiore.com.