Innis Maggiore Names Two Sitecore-Certified Developers
CANTON, Ohio (April 16, 2015) - Innis Maggiore, the nation's leading advertising agency in the practice of positioning, announced today that two web developers were certified on Sitecore 8®. Senior Web Developer Jason Sypolt and Web Developer Brian Trautman attended a four-day training course on the system, prior to completing the Sitecore-certified developer exam.
Sitecore released the latest version of its content management system in December 2014. Sypolt and Trautman were among the first web developers in Ohio to earn certification for the new system.
"Innis Maggiore is committed to advancing the knowledge and certification levels of our web team to stay current with the latest technology," said Mark Vandegrift, principal web and digital services. "With two Sitecore-certified developers, our agency is prepared to meet the increasing web needs of our clients."
The agency's web team also holds additional certifications in Magento, Microsoft, Silverstripe and Sitefinity.
Innis Maggiore Group is the nation's leading advertising agency in the practice of positioning, building strong brand positions for companies in competitive markets. The advertising and public relations agency had 2014 capitalized billings of more than $26 million. Key clients include AultCare, Aultman Hospital, Bank of America, Campbell Oil/BellStores, FSBO, GOJO Industries, Inc., inventors of PURELL®, Goodyear, GuideStone Financial Resources, Kendall House/KFC, Nickles Bakery, RTI International Metals and Republic Steel. Innis Maggiore is a member of the American Association of Advertising Agencies and the Public Relations Society of America. The company maintains a website at www.innismaggiore.com.