Innis Maggiore Promotes Two Associates to Senior Positions

Innis Maggiore, the nation's leading advertising agency in the practice of positioning, today announced the promotions of Kaylynn Horrigan to senior art director and David Collins to senior web developer.
Horrigan joined the agency three years ago and previously served as art director. A Jackson Township resident and graduate of Columbus College of Art & Design, she previously worked at JWT Action in Akron and Big Red Rooster, a design firm in Columbus. A participant in Stark County Leadership Spotlight 2015, she also serves as a graphic designer on the board of Canton Advertising Federation, and is a board member at LifeStyles at Akron General's Health & Wellness Center in Green. At Innis Maggiore, Horrigan designs for a variety of clients including Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Baja West Coast Kitchen, The Schroer Group, Second Harvest Food Bank, Mid's Sicilian Pasta Sauce, Aultman Hospital and AultCare.
Collins, a Canton resident, joined Innis Maggiore last year and previously served as web developer. He earned a degree in computer science from the University of Akron and served in the U.S. Navy as an electronic warfare specialist. Before joining the agency, he worked as a software designer at Waveright InfoTech LLC in Barberton. A member of Canton Software Craftsmanship, Collins develops web applications for Innis Maggiore's digital clients including Aultman Hospital, GOJO, North Canton City Schools, Stark County District Library, Smoke the Burger Joint, Old Carolina Barbecue, FSBO, United Way and Howard & O'Brien.
"Kaylynn and David have made significant contributions to Innis Maggiore, each demonstrating a commitment to innovative ideas that drive creativity and enhance the value of the work the agency delivers for clients," said Innis Maggiore President and CEO Dick Maggiore. "Their leadership, vision and talents are an asset as they strive to execute positioning strategies that build our clients' brands, increase their customer awareness and drive their business."
Innis Maggiore Group is the nation's leading advertising agency in the practice of positioning, building strong brand positions for companies in competitive markets. The advertising and public relations agency had 2014 capitalized billings of more than $26 million. Key clients include AultCare, Aultman Hospital, Bank of America, Campbell Oil/BellStores, FSBO, GOJO Industries, Inc., inventors of PURELL®, Goodyear, GuideStone Financial Resources, Kendall House/KFC, Nickles Bakery, RTI International Metals and Republic Steel. Innis Maggiore is a member of the American Association of Advertising Agencies and the Public Relations Society of America. The company maintains a website at www.innismaggiore.com.