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Squirrels Paddles Along, Prepares to Catch Next Technology Wave
Stark County software developer’s next move is building and selling its own hardware; could double local employment to 80 in the next 18-24 months. Most Northeast Ohio squirrels are content high in an oak tree collecting acorns to stuff into their cheeks.
View Web PageSeasoned Super Bowl advertisers win on defense
The Patriots, keepers of the Empire, struck back Sunday, marking the sixth win for the oldest coach and oldest quarterback ever to win a Super Bowl. The game was eked out in slow, lethargic doses with only a few flashes of offense to break the comatose.
View Web PageForging strategy for strengthening Stark County
An important report about recommendations for strengthening Stark County has huge ramifications for those of us who live, work and play here.
View Web PageDigital Marketing vs Sales: Digital dictates need to reset sales and marketing
When I was a kid and my dad wanted to buy a car, the first place he would go was the car dealership. Dad wanted information and the car dealer had it.
View Web PageCan Color Affect Your Brand Positioning?
Or, does your brand positioning affect the colors you choose to represent it? The answer should be a resolute "yes" to both questions! Can you imagine drinking a bottle of Coke imprinted with a blue label rather than the familiar red and white? What if you pulled into a BP…
View Web PageCompetitive Business Strategy: Find your playground
Does your business have a clear and well-articulated statement of strategy?
If not, you are at a disadvantage. You might have heard it said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.
'Content marketing' lifts brands, engages customers
Bed Bath & Beyond, IBM, Goldman Sachs, Taco Bell, GoPro and Twitter all have at least two things in common. Each understands the need to win online, and each has an award-winning content marketing strategy.
View Web PageFind your business’ marketing Holy Grail
In the Christian tradition, the vessel Jesus and his disciples used to drink wine at the Last Supper is called the Holy Grail. Through the centuries, the Holy Grail has come to be known as something very special and highly sought for its miraculous powers.
View Web PageThe Death of Cookie Tracking Makes Way for Innovation
Advertisers have long been known for how well they accept change, pivot to new possibilities and adopt the newest technologies. There is not only an understanding of what’s out there now but also what’s on the horizon. The death of third-party cookie tracking is no exception.
View Web PageThe Key To Failure: Hyper-Commoditization
Rite Aid. General Motors. Krispy Kreme. Sbarro. Dollar Thrifty. Trump Entertainment. What do these brands have in common? They're all expected to go under this year. What is behind this failure?
Some say the answer is obvious. It's the "economy.