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Progressive's Brand Identity: In or Out?

Remember the 1997 movie called In and Out? It starred Kevin Kline as Howard Brackett, a Midwestern high school teacher who questioned his sexual identity after being pronounced gay on national TV by an Academy Award-winning former student.

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Combat strategies win wars and help gain competitive advantage in business

Business marketers must know how to play offense and defense, and when it’s best to flank foes. Combat strategies win wars and help gain a competitive advantage in business. The competitive nature of business is such that it’s understandable for business people to compare marketing to war.

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Great company slogans are difficult to create, but worth extra effort

Other than creating the brand’s name, the development of tagline might be marketer’s most important task. Great company slogans roll off our tongues like sweet candy, and many are so popular that people use them in their everyday conversations. Great company slogans, though, are much more than clever words.

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‘New Coke’ Failure: Why decision was too far out to swallow

In spite of the fact that tests showed the new formula tasted better than old Coke, customers believed otherwise. The New Coke failure happened because Coke tried to be something it wasn't.

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Marketing strategy and laws guide wins in marketing warfare

In science and society, laws come together in systems to lend order, guide actions and produce results or outcomes.

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Support Local Retail: It’s a jungle out there

As Amazon and other online operators change retail’s landscape, who will survive? If we don't support local retail, it may disappear. Not so many years ago, if you heard someone explaining the Amazon effect, you could assume it was about trashing the rain forest.

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Brand consistency pivotal in building success

Staying the course requires courage, discipline. To become really good at whatever we do requires doing the right thing, then doing it consistently. This applies to just about everything.

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Branding is Dead in the Amazon Economy

We’re going to have to close our doors. We heard it declared twice last week that branding is dead because of Amazon. It is going to own everything. Differences won’t matter. And everything will be ordered through Alexa. We. Give. Up.

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Amazon and Whole Foods: What will grocers do?

Amazon has become the “everything for everybody” retailer, which in positioning parlance means it’s the opposite of the focused specialists. Amazon and Whole Foods getting together solidifies this. Back in the early days, Amazon’s positioning statement read: “For World Wide Web users who enjoy books, Amazon.

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Know Thy Category: A key in marketing communication strategy

It starts with the category. That’s the way our brains work. We think category first, then brand. A very contagious disease is spreading rapidly across the globe: infobesity. It’s an epidemic we’ve discussed previously. If information were calories, we’d all be obese. Infobesity has affected the human attention span.

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