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Your search results for "Decline of Indian industry is the reason for the revolt of 1857." are below. Click tabs to filter by type.

Artificial intelligence and marketing, the next big thing

Few would argue the impact of the wheel, the printing press, steam and gasoline engines, the telephone, electricity and the light bulb, nuclear power, the airplane, penicillin, the computer and the internet. Major inventions have shaped human development and powered society, culture and civilization.

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Want to be like Buffet and Socrates? Read!

No less an authority than Warren Buffett believes reading is essential to business success. A Columbia University student asked Buffett what he could do to prepare for his career. Buffett thought for a few seconds and then said, “Read 500 pages a week. That’s how knowledge works.

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K Carpet & Rug Gallery Handles Stark County's Needs, From the Floor Up

Hard work and a customer focus have led to more than 50 years of steady success for Stark County's leading flooring specialist. K Carpet & Rug Gallery, at 4611 Everhard Road NW, has Stark County covered. Literally. Well, at least its floors.

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Advantages to being first

One of the easiest ways to be remembered is to be first. Do you remember who was the first person to fly solo across the North Atlantic? Charles Lindbergh, of course. But who was the second? He was Bert Hinkler, considered a better aviator than Lindbergh.

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Canton Brewing Co. Borrows from the Past, Keeps an Eye on the Future

Stark County brewery, with roots dating back to 1883, is right at the center of the ongoing revitalization of downtown Canton. Canton Brewing Co. 's success is built on living up to a rich tradition.

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2020: Programmatic Advertising Comes of Age

The problem with mass marketing has finally been solved. The answer is programmatic advertising. Imagine two neighbors. Both watching ESPN. One sees your ad. The other doesn’t. The first is your target audience. The other isn’t. The promise of programmatic advertising has finally reached marketing nirvana.

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Boost sales with branded packaging design that aligns with your position.

If you’re a consumer product manufacturer, you’ve undoubtedly marketed your product through a variety of advertising, media, and PR tactics.

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Has Dr. Frankenstein Become a Celebrity Chef?

The sometimes-scary story of strange food brand collabs.  

Sit down, relax, and join me in sharing food and drink that combines some flavors you would never have thought of (or asked for).

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Canton Importing Co.'s Steady, Reliable Approach Brings Success

Specialty store's focus on people and products — not just dollars — has made it a mainstay in Stark County for nearly 60 years. When a good thing gets rolling, it's tough to stop. Since 1961, Canton Importing Co.

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Bender's Tavern Brings Good Taste & Good Times to Stark County

Many people hungry in body and spirit have come to be fed and partake in the hospitality of ‘Canton’s Oldest and Finest’ tavern. If walls could talk, the ones inside Bender’s Tavern, 137 Court Ave. SW in Canton, would have plenty to say.

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