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Repositioning: Push Brand Relevance to Rev Up Your Position

Building a strong brand is not easy. Few do it. It takes the right strategy for differentiation plus factors of focus and commitment as measured by time and money. Sometimes, repositioning is needed. Conventional positioning wisdom contends that getting to the top is harder than staying on top.

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Digital Marketing vs Sales: Digital dictates need to reset sales and marketing

When I was a kid and my dad wanted to buy a car, the first place he would go was the car dealership. Dad wanted information and the car dealer had it.

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Studio Arts & Glass Spreads Stark County Color Throughout the World

Stark County studio’s leaded stained glass artwork is on display in all 50 states and can be seen as far away as Asia, the Bahamas, Canada and Europe. Every single element of Studio Arts & Glass is strikingly colorful.

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Squirrels Paddles Along, Prepares to Catch Next Technology Wave

Stark County software developer’s next move is building and selling its own hardware; could double local employment to 80 in the next 18-24 months. Most Northeast Ohio squirrels are content high in an oak tree collecting acorns to stuff into their cheeks.

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2024 Super Bowl Ads Winners and Losers

If you read our “How to Critique Super Bowl Commercials” PositionistView article last week, you know we have a fairly critical eye when judging the commercials. Along with a crazy overtime Chiefs’ win, the ads also provided plenty of chatter at our watch party.

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Social Marketing ROI: July 2011 Update

In 2011 New Media Trends, I covered the trends we're seeing with Facebook and its climb to a billion members. According to its statistics page, the social network is now at 750 million plus members. One billion should be achieved by the end of 2011.

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Barack Obama's New Media Fundraising

The story of Obama's success is very much a story about new media fundraising.

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Seven ways to win in a commodity market

Many of the more than 5 million businesses in the United States compete as commodities hamstrung by not understanding how to grow and thrive. On the monopoly-to-commodity continuum, the closer one is to the commodity side, the more price becomes a key factor.

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Competitive Positioning: Wal-Mart vs. Target

Times are topsy-turvy and one of the great reversals can be seen in the world of retail. And a lesson in competitive positioning is left to be learned. While Wal-Mart, the largest company in the world, has always dwarfed rival Target in size ($406 billion in annual revenue vs.

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Personal Branding Builds the Value of ‘You, Inc.’: How to brand yourself

LeBron James, Donald Trump and many other celebrities know that each of us must be known for something. We need to market ourselves to further our careers. Determining how to brand yourself is more important than ever.

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