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Messaging Strategy: The Cute v. Clever Debate

It's a messaging strategy debate that rages wherever writers write or designers design. It's an issue that can boil the polar ice caps - and the gap between the two sides can be as big as the thousands of miles between our North and South poles.

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Jack Trout Answers Your Questions on Positioning (Part 1)

During Innis Maggiore's "Breakfast With Jack Trout" event, you heard Jack Trout on positioning, repositioning, and The Five Tests of Obviousness. He then opened the floor for the audience members to submit their questions on positioning.

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Can Color Affect Your Brand Positioning?

Or, does your brand positioning affect the colors you choose to represent it? The answer should be a resolute "yes" to both questions! Can you imagine drinking a bottle of Coke imprinted with a blue label rather than the familiar red and white? What if you pulled into a BP…

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How Positioning Aligns With Search Engine Optimization

One of the principles of positioning is that there is a specific universe who cares about your difference. Not the entire universe, but a group carved out where your difference is high value and meaningful. Many experts call this focus. Some call it a purple cow.

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PR 2.0: Old Newshounds Learn New Tricks

The world of news releases and public relations is in the midst of a major transformation, the likes of which PR and journalism have never experienced. Change scares people. We like things the way they were yesterday, last year, a decade ago. Same goes for PR.

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An Introduction To YouTube Optimization

You might be surprised to learn that YouTube is the second-largest search engine. It's bigger than both Yahoo and Bing, and second only to Google. YouTube optimization, however, is something we must not forget.

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Google Instant: Is it a Search Engine Positioning Game-Changer?

On Sept. 8, Google announced its new search functionality: Google Instant. This new search feature only works when a user is logged into a Google account.

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Positioning is Only Natural

Mother Goose Knows This Stuff is No Mere Fairy Tale

Every spring over the last few years, Innis Maggiore has witnessed a wonder of nature that's also a real life application of positioning.

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Don’t Dare Call It “McDonut”!

How sweet is the McDonald’s/Krispy Kreme cross-promotion strategy?

Lots of people like McDonald’s. Lots of people like Krispy Kreme.

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Supporting Local Business: Think outside ‘big box’

According to a recent report, Stark County’s population will continue to decrease, get older and have fewer dollars if our community stays on its current trajectory.

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