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Super Bowl Advertising Effectiveness: winners and losers
Silly and sentimental. Advertisers play it safe this year.
According to Nielsen, 51 percent of viewers prefer watching the Super Bowl commercials to watching the big game itself.
Super Bowl advertisers are known for using Trojan horse strategy to slip their ad messages inside our gated minds.
Find your business’ marketing Holy Grail
In the Christian tradition, the vessel Jesus and his disciples used to drink wine at the Last Supper is called the Holy Grail. Through the centuries, the Holy Grail has come to be known as something very special and highly sought for its miraculous powers.
View Web PagePR 2.0: Old Newshounds Learn New Tricks
The world of news releases and public relations is in the midst of a major transformation, the likes of which PR and journalism have never experienced. Change scares people. We like things the way they were yesterday, last year, a decade ago. Same goes for PR.
View Web PageA New Year... A New Day For The Google Page Listing
With the velocity we face in the digital age, a review of what we "know" reveals that it doesn't take a year for that knowledge to become outdated. In fact, sometimes it only takes a few weeks.
View Web PageYo Ho! Pirate Ship weighs anchor with brand distinction in a sea of sameness
Not long ago, I got an email from LinkedIn with a digest of “Top job picks for you. ” I’ve been at Innis Maggiore for over two decades and am not in the market to change that, but the first listing caught my eye.
View Web PagePhilly Dilly: Eagles Fly. Ads Flop.
Super Bowl advertisers are known for using Trojan horse strategy to slip their ad messages inside our gated minds. The strategy relies on creating commercials so entertaining and popular, culturally or socially relevant, silly or sentimental that viewers actually want to pay attention.
View Web PageDeming’s gift to marketers: Test. Optimize. Repeat.
William Edwards Deming is credited with launching the Total Quality Management movement that is the groundwork for our modern emphasis on efficient and effective manufacturing. Among his many accomplishments, Deming popularized statistical testing and analysis, which, it turns out, today helps marketers gain confidence in our work.
View Web PageDiebold thrives on nearly 160 years of brand reinvention
Diebold Nixdorf, as Diebold is known today following the acquisition of its major German rival, is the embodiment of a company that has responded well when the time came to reinvent itself. The company has thrived on nearly 160 years of brand reinvention.
View Web PagePositionist Picks: 2010 Super Bowl Ads
Most Super Bowl Ads Fumble Great Positioning Opportunities
Positioning is how you differentiate a brand. Differentiation provides the reason why someone should buy from you and not another.
Boost sales with branded packaging design that aligns with your position.
If you’re a consumer product manufacturer, you’ve undoubtedly marketed your product through a variety of advertising, media, and PR tactics.
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