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When Brian Williams lies, you pay the price

There is a story behind the story in the Brian Williams false-reporting scandal. Crisis PR has played a role. NBC's credibility and the viability of the news anchor's return after a six-month suspension is the main story we're all seeing and hearing.

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Digital vs. Traditional Marketing: Strategize first, then advertise

With so many media options, it’s difficult to know where to spend ad dollars with a comprehensive plan. Digital vs. traditional marketing decisions face us daily.

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Google Reverses Its Decision — Third-Party Cookies are Back!

Google announced its initial intentions to eliminate third-party cookies in 2020. While the decision was based on protecting the data privacy rights of users, companies and marketers were left racing to replace them.

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Merging Data and Creative: Path to head goes through heart

Like scientists, many business folks have a deep-rooted belief that if they have all the information — all the data — they’ll be able to come up with the precise solution. We want to believe things don’t happen by chance.

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Google Punishes (And Rewards?) AI-Generated Content

Over the past year, the presence of AI-generated content has exploded across platforms like Google, including everything from generative fill to social media posts to blog articles. With numerous programs available to users, plenty have benefited from meeting today’s content marketing volumes.

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Cookieless Advertising: What's Next?

As we move away from cookie-based advertising and into a new, cookieless world, the question we hear most often is, “How can I effectively track and target our online audience now?”

For over two decades, cookies have been THE preferred way to record user activity.

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Repositioning - The Twin to Every Position

The best brand positions are said to "reposition" the competition. For every season of life and renewal, there is a shadow season of dormancy and death. For everything we are, there is what we are not. For every brand position there is a twin- the reposition.

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Nike Tagline: How to execute the perfect tagline

Gary Gilmore was strapped to a chair on the morning of Jan. 17, 1977, wearing a T-shirt and a bag over his head. He was to become the first person in the United States to be executed in a decade.

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Big Data and Business: 2018 is the year of the algorithm

Making predictions is risky business, but putting our heads in the sand might be even riskier. As we begin another year, it is customary to look ahead and make decisions about where things are going. To that end, it would pay to heed the advice of J.

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Niche Differentiation Strategy: Mine riches in niches

Charlie Munger knows a bit about making money. Charlie, 94, is worth close to $2 billion. He is the very longtime partner of Warren Buffett, 87. Together they run Berkshire Hathaway. Both still go to work every day. Munger said, “The No.

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