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Your search results for "best blogs for indian stock market" are below. Click tabs to filter by type., Doritos, Hellmann’s, Michelob Ultra, and Reese’s Win the Super Bowl Commercial Test™
Last year, we published “How to Critique Super Bowl Commercials” and the details of our proprietary, secret-sauce Super Bowl Commercial Test™.
View Web PageDifferentiating Your Brand
Differentiating your brand may prove quite a challenge. When we work with our clients on determining their differentiating idea we put them through our proprietary Appreciative Discovery®.
As part of the Appreciative Discovery, the following differentiating filter was developed.
Improve Brand Perceptions. Improve ROI.
Many marketers misunderstand marketing. They think marketing is a battle of products, not brand perceptions. Let the better product win is the adage. More than four decades of modern advertising history contradict this belief. Coca-Cola is the worst tasting cola and still No. 1.
View Web PageSize Doesn't Matter! Marketing Focus Does.
Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of business. To those of you in leadership positions: The foundation of effective leadership is thinking through the organization's difference, defining it and establishing it, clearly and visibly. You have to have a well differentiated brand to survive today.
View Web PageRepositioning The Competition
Click here to play video. "Repositioning" in a Time of Competition, Crisis, and Change
On April 29, nearly five hundred business and marketing executives gathered at the John S.
Repositioning, Positioning's Twin Concept. Its Emergence Is Timely.
Positioning has become the most powerful concept in marketing. Positioning has a twin concept that has received little attention. In Jack Trout's latest book, Repositioning, released in October 2009, this twin concept is finally emerging into the light of the marketplace.
View Web PageToyota. Big Brand. Big Trouble
We've all heard the adage, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall. " Nowhere is this truer than in corporate business today. The first decade of the 21st century has opened like a Greek tragedy with financial empires and kingdoms tumbling.
View Web PageGood Things Happen with Right Positioning Strategy
Great creative may touch a nerve, bring a tear or generate laughter, but it is doomed to fail as effective advertising if it is not built on a solid positioning strategy. Throughout the history of advertising, creative minds have toiled to make products popular and services desirable.
View Web PageThe Practice of Positioning = Substance + Sizzle
If you read our post on Super Bowl ads, you may have noticed that our picks routinely (year in and year out) differ wildly from those of Ad Age, the industry's published mouthpiece for Madison Avenue big company advertising.
View Web PageDEVO Whips Itself Into Shape With Positioning Marketing
Can music benefit from positioning marketing? Though an art form, it is also a product, so in that context the answer is a definite yes.
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