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Advantages to being first

One of the easiest ways to be remembered is to be first. Do you remember who was the first person to fly solo across the North Atlantic? Charles Lindbergh, of course. But who was the second? He was Bert Hinkler, considered a better aviator than Lindbergh.

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What we can learn from Xerox and brand failures

Company failed (and failed again) when it strayed from its established core position. The basic positioning principle applies regardless of the size of your business or whether you sell to consumers or other businesses.

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Advertise Responsibly®

After a recent lecture at Grove City College, a discerning student asked me the following question, “Do you ever find yourself losing sleep at night because of a marketing campaign you created that conflicted with your morals?”

My answer was easy and without hesitation. “No.

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Business Strategy: After finding your ‘why,’ it’s time to execute

Vision without execution is hallucination. Some say Thomas Edison said that. Others say Einstein. Whoever said it got it right. The ability to execute is inherent in good strategy. But the strategy won’t execute itself.

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Google Reverses Its Decision — Third-Party Cookies are Back!

Google announced its initial intentions to eliminate third-party cookies in 2020. While the decision was based on protecting the data privacy rights of users, companies and marketers were left racing to replace them.

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Think like a start-up when developing your company mission

Early and often over the history of this column our counsel has been about the importance of strategy in marketing our products and services and in the company mission. We say it often because it is so critical. It cannot be overstated.

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Listening to customers improves understanding

Jack Welch, longtime CEO of General Electric, was known for his wise counsel on all manner of business matters. One of his famous quotes really hits home for companies as they come to terms with the importance of their relationships with customers.

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Super Bowl Advertising: Will advertisers ‘show me the new’ in Super Bowl LII?

In Super Bowl advertising, it might be the year of the familiar — familiar advertisers, familiar celebrities, familiar teasers, familiar promotional stunts and humor. Familiar is not all bad.

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Think bothism to liberate your marketing

Many pundits in the world of marketing and advertising are obsessed with stuff dying. “Radio is dead in 10 years. This study proves it. ”

“TV is dying. ”

“Twitter learns to thrive or die. ”

“The end of advertising as we know it. ”

“Branding is dead.

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You Have Their Attention – Now Get Their Trust

Whether it’s as simple as a handwritten sign reading “Lemonade Stand,” or as complex as a Super Bowl commercial, attention marketing can be reduced to winning the gaze of the prospect. This challenge isn’t an easy one.

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