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Differentiation: The Secret Sauce of the Top-Trending Brands
Each year, publications like Vogue, CEO World, and other popular print and online outlets publish their top-trending brands to monitor in the coming year. We decided to take a deep dive on one of the top brand lists to see why the companies and products made the list.
View Web PageFifty Years of Positioning: the 1970s
Some things have changed since Dick Maggiore and his stepdad, the late Chuck Innis, founded Innis Maggiore in 1974 at the kitchen table of their home in Canton. But some things haven’t changed one bit.
View Web PageCTV Advertising – Can It Be Your New Marketing BFF?
For years, the promise of Connected TV’s (CTV) rise to prominence was predicted. Today, there’s no more prediction, just reality. According to Statista, in 2023, 88% of US TV households have at least one internet-connected device.
View Web PageUnified ID 2.0 (UID2) – The Promise of a Third-Party Cookie-less World
Google twice delayed the demise of the third-party cookie, the means by which all advertisers were able to track and analyze their marketing performance. With the delays, we who operate in a digital world breathed a sigh of relief. Why?
Because a plausible substitute wasn’t yet available.
Big Brand News! Pepsi No Longer #2; Dr. Pepper Rises
If you’re familiar with the term “Cola Wars,” you’re young enough to know that it has always been and was always supposed to be: Coke v. Pepsi. The Taste Test. New Coke. Mean Joe Greene. Michael Jackson. The Polar Bears. Tina Turner. The Super Bowl Half-Time Show.
View Web PageStarbucks: Get Back To Being Unique
An article in the Columbus Dispatch touted that Starbucks was taking cues from its cheaper rivals. That they were seeking part of the 'value' pie. What a ghastly mistake.
View Web PageRepositioning - The Twin to Every Position
The best brand positions are said to "reposition" the competition. For every season of life and renewal, there is a shadow season of dormancy and death. For everything we are, there is what we are not. For every brand position there is a twin- the reposition.
View Web PageUncovering the Social Media Landscape
In the first installment on social media planning, Innis Maggiore suggested that you always insist on a media plan regardless of the media. Social media is simply a subset of all available (traditional and new) media. Avoid the newness hype and be wise.
View Web PageRepositioning The Competition
Click here to play video. "Repositioning" in a Time of Competition, Crisis, and Change
On April 29, nearly five hundred business and marketing executives gathered at the John S.
Planning Your Participation in Social Media
In the first two installments on planning social media, Innis Maggiore provided perspective and specific categories and examples that define the social media space.
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