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Brand consistency pivotal in building success

Staying the course requires courage, discipline. To become really good at whatever we do requires doing the right thing, then doing it consistently. This applies to just about everything.

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Branding is Dead in the Amazon Economy

We’re going to have to close our doors. We heard it declared twice last week that branding is dead because of Amazon. It is going to own everything. Differences won’t matter. And everything will be ordered through Alexa. We. Give. Up.

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Growth Strategy: Grow your company by growing your reach

Marketers have heard for generations that 80 percent of our business comes from 20 percent of our customers, but a strong case can be made that this generalization doesn’t much apply anymore — if it ever did. Pareto PrincipleYou might have heard of the Pareto Principle.

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AI-Powered Marketing Offers One-to-One Personalization

AI-powered marketing is a buzz term in most of the online marketing pubs we read. A question typically posed is: Do any of us know how artificial intelligence will affect our marketing efforts? The answer is: not perfectly. Yet AI-powered marketing is beginning to show glimpses of viable use.

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Building a Brand: Differentiate, strategize, target and shout from rooftops

Have you found your brand’s positioning idea? Southwest Airlines is low cost. FedEx is overnight delivery. Volvo is safety. When building a brand, you must differentiate.

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Positioning in Digital Marketing: Start with positioning to win online search

In the 1970s, Jack Trout and Al Ries first coined the term “positioning” for use in the field of marketing. It made an immediate impact, and nearly a half-century later, the term has become ubiquitous in the business world.

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Think like a start-up when developing your company mission

Early and often over the history of this column our counsel has been about the importance of strategy in marketing our products and services and in the company mission. We say it often because it is so critical. It cannot be overstated.

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‘Positioning map’ can reveal your competitive advantage

Today, more than ever, businesses need the right strategies to compete and win in the hyper-competitive marketplace. No market or industry is exempt from the need to focus on and adjust the way they’re doing business.

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Ground control to Elon Musk

Elon Musk is widely known for his willingness to invest his mind and his riches to stretch the envelope on a variety of frontiers, from automobiles to software to outer space travel. Along the way, Musk has been the architect of brands that are leaders in their respective categories.

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Sears' saga found in snowblowers

Former Sears executive Steve Goldstein was so shocked when he found snowblowers for sale at his company’s Miami store that he wrote the book, “Why are there Snowblowers in Miami?”

That is but one of myriad anecdotes in Sears’ 120-year history, yet it reveals much about the thinking of those who…

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