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Using Online Video in Your Positioning Advertising Mix

The times . . . they are a-changin'. Remember the days of dial-up? Slow downloads? Those days seem in the distant past. Viewing videos online is no longer cumbersome. Online video has moved into the mainstream, and that's good news for your positioning advertising mix.

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A Brand Position Lesson: Is 31 Years in the Same Position Too Long?

Ad agency Carmichael Lynch's most recent campaign for Harley Davidson featured the rebel slogan, "Screw it. Let's ride. " After decades of communicating Harley's brand position, it seems the agency has told its long-time client to just "screw it. " There's a brand position lesson to be learned here.

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Living the Life of a Positioning Consultant

There was a time when advertising and PR agencies not only wanted to be marketing partners with their clients, but they actually were. In a 2008 Advertising Age article, positioning consultant Al Ries said, "An advertising partnership should operate in much the same way as a marriage partnership.

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"I See London, I See France ..." The Repositioning of a Word

Can words have a position? And, if so, can their positioning change over time? That is, can repositioning be achieved?

At Innis Maggiore, we know that the most powerful concept in marketing is to own a word.

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2012 Super Bowl Ad Survey Reveals Readers Liked Car, Truck and Flower Ads

Today we send out a hearty "thank you" to all of our positioning friends who read and responded to Lorraine Kessler's excellent analysis of the best (and worst) Super Bowl TV commercials, and especially to all who commented and voted in our 2012 Super Bowl ad survey.

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Brand Meaning: Can a Brand Change Its Spots?

Famed Apple Stores leader and Silicon Valley wunderkind Ron Johnson thought so. He swept in as JC Penney's new CEO with celebratory bravado. He promised to change the stodgy brand meaning to a younger, hipper and more upscale image. Seventeen months later, JC Penney's board fired him.

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It's the Brands, Stupid.

It appears Sears shoppers can be members. Eddie Lampert, Sears Holdings' chairman and CEO, told us so in a letter attached to the company's recent results. The letter says his membership program is "continuing to gain traction with our members as members engage in all aspects of our program.

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Pepsi brings the "craft" to cola

The craft beer industry is booming. But rather than fighting the trend, big brewers like MillerCoors and Anheuser-Busch are joining in and creating their own microbrews. Smaller, premium beverages bring a personalization to the drinking experience that mass-produced ones just can't match.

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Solving a Whale of a Problem: Is it Time for a SeaWorld Positioning Change?

For generations, families have trekked to SeaWorld to see "Shamu, the killer whale. " More than the main attraction, Shamu is the face of the theme park.

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Domino's is Facing a Positioning Identity Crisis. Two actually.

In 2012, Domino's dropped "pizza" from its company name and unveiled a fresh, modernized logo. If you didn't know that happened, you're not alone. Now, more than three years later, Domino's is just starting to advertise the change. The company is having a positioning identity crisis.

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